26 Apr 2020

The Red Queen Goes Through The Looking Glass + The Everything Bubble Turns (Almost) Everything Bailout

Max and Stacy look at how the US Fed has created a world in which E may not actually equal MC squared any longer. With no way to measure the world around us, including time or matter, we first had negative interest rates and now negative prices on energy.

Coronavirus Is A Gift To Jewish Colonization Of Gentile Lands

By Maureen Clare Murphy: The Jews have found propaganda opportunities in the coronavirus pandemic and the Jewish land theft project 'Israel' in occupied Palestine's leader Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu has exploited the crisis to consolidate his authoritarian control and ramp up attacks on indigenous Gentiles.

The Jewish apartheid terror regime's surveillance industry and its military-intelligence complex, is poised to find a global market as health authorities seek to use technology for contact tracing as they look toward easing broad lockdowns.
Indeed, the significant changes brought about by the pandemic may serve Jewish Israel’s settler-colonial agenda more generally.
Annexation Of West Bank Mega Concentration Camp For Indigenous Gentile Survivors
Bibi 'The baby Butcher' and Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz reached an agreement to form a coalition after a year of political stalemate and three general elections.

Exploiting Fear - Sound Familiar? + Complying With Tyranny

Larken Rose
"The people never give up their liberties,
but under some delusion."
Edmund Burke