9 Mar 2021

NOW BANNED BY YOUTUBE - Guinea Pig Vaxi-Nation's Models Proven Wrong, Ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon Discusses Jewish Anti-Gentile Regime "IsRealHell"

Another video discussing the facts about our Orwellian lives today, lied to as we are by our governments and the lame-stream media, now banned by youtube! ...Find below some of the information discussed that I noted when the video was still live that the powers that be don't want you to know about. A. Agathangelou 

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: Jewish anti-Gentile regime Israel's covid deaths doubled since the "Guinea Pig Nation" started its vaccination 'experiment.' 'Silent Birth' (leida ilemet) is now common. It refers to babies dying in the womb from Covid 19 or Covid related complications. In this interview with UK's David Scott I look into the Jews' mass vaccination campaign, we discuss the most problematic issues some prefer to push under the carpet. ...Babies refusing to be breast-fed by vaccinated Jewish mothers! 1300% rise in infant deaths!

UK Column - David Scott on Youtube: Jewish Apartheid Regime Israel has adopted the Covid Lockdown policies with a severity unmatched internationally. They have pushed vaccination at a rate that leaves even the United Kingdom far behind. Gilad Atzmon, joins me to discuss the effects of this policy, the statistics coming out of "IsRealHell" and the questions we should be asking.



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