Doctors are quite happy to slice off over 60% of the highest concentrations of pleasure sensors from your baby boy's penis, [male infant ritual genital mutilation, soft name circumcision] I'm sure you'll find one to castrate him too. You can’t do that to baby girls you understand, but all males are basically second-class citizens and you can more or less do anything you like to their genitals and probably get a round of applause for it. After metzitzah b’peh they pop Champaign and have a party to celebrate that they just quadrupled the baby boys chances of being impotent and took away a large part of his ability to enjoy sex.
Doctors are quite happy to slice off over 60% of the highest concentrations of pleasure sensors from your baby boy's penis, [male infant ritual genital mutilation, soft name circumcision] I'm sure you'll find one to castrate him too. You can’t do that to baby girls you understand, but all males are basically second-class citizens and you can more or less do anything you like to their genitals and probably get a round of applause for it. After metzitzah b’peh they pop Champaign and have a party to celebrate that they just quadrupled the baby boys chances of being impotent and took away a large part of his ability to enjoy sex.