4 Dec 2021

More Evidence That The Covid Conspiracy Theory Is A Fact

'All evidence is against vaccination. There is no evidence in favor of it. So why the coercion to force dangerous vaccination that only does harm?'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The coercive practices of restricting movement of people and compulsory Covid vaccination are spreading throughout formerly free countries.  Germany has now joined Austria, Italy, and Australia in resurrecting the Third Reich:  https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/germany-imposes-strict-curbs-unvaccinated-limits-gatherings-will-mandate-covid-shots 

The rush to totalitarianism is inexplicable according to the official narrative.  All health authorities now acknowledge that the mRNA “vaccines” do not prevent infection and do not prevent the vaccinated from spreading the infection.  This is the reason that the vaccinated are told they need booster shots every 6 months and need to continue wearing the ineffective masks.  Why booster shots protect when the previous shots don’t is not explained.

Vaccine Mandates: What The Fuck Is Going On In Australia?

Russell Brand: With protests to "draconian" lockdowns, and mandates implemented across multiple industries, we ask, what's happening in Australia, and is it just a matter of time before these laws become the reality everywhere?

The Case For Compulsory Vaccinations Is Dead... Omicron Just Killed It

  • The vaccines do not confer immunity or prevent transmission.
  • What beneficial effect they do have wears off, they don’t know when.
  • They probably don’t protect against new variants or mutations.
  • The vaccines have unknown longterm side effects.

Authored by Kit Knightly: Yesterday, Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, held a press conference where she talked at length about her “concerns” over the EU’s low vaccination rate, and how best to “fix” it.

When asked about making vaccines mandatory, she said:

Pentagon Officer Described How Jews Manufactured Anti-Iraq Disinfo That Lead To War, Million Dead And Maimed Gentiles

Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski was an eye-witness to the tactics employed by Jews in the Pentagon by which disinformation was manufactured and fed to the White House, Congress, media, and American public that led to the Iraq war.

The Iraq War has cost the U.S. $2 trillon dollars, and the lives of approximately 6,000 Americans and 200,000 Iraqi civilians (multitudes more are permanently disabled)… The war also led to the rise of ISIS and the destabilization throughout the Middle East that has impacted others around the world…

The articles below are reposted from American Conservative, Salon, and Antiwar.com, 2003-2004.

Research “Game-Changer”: mRNA Induced Spike Protein Increases Heart Attacks And Destroys Immune System

“This is really a technology designed to poison people, there’s really no two-ways about it.”Dr. Michael Palmer on mRNA vaccines.

Question– Does the Covid-19 vaccine cause heart attacks?

Answer– It does, and researchers are closer to understanding the mechanism that triggers those events. 

Question– How can I be sure you’re telling the truth?

Answer– Well, for starters, there’s a research paper that appeared recently in the prestigious Circulation magazine that draws the same conclusion. Here’s an excerpt from the paper:

“We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium (layer of cells lining the blood vessels) and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis (clotting), cardiomyopathy, (a group of diseases that affect the heart muscle) and other vascular events following vaccination.” (“Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning”, Circulation)

It’s actually quite rare for researchers to be so blunt in their analysis, but there it is in black and white. As you can see, they didn’t pull their punches.