18 Feb 2022

"SHIKSAS" The Easiest Targets

WomenPalestinian, American, Muslim and Christian – tell stories of humiliation and harassment by Jewish border guards and Jewish airport security officials. Produced by If Americans Knew in 2007 to accompany our exposé: https://ifamericansknew.org/cur_sit/c... - a partial list documenting the use of strip searches and forced stripping as a method for humiliating men, women, and children – fishermen, women in labor, journalists, human rights workers, medical workers, and others – routinely employed by Jewish Israel Death Forces IDF is at https://ifamericansknew.org/cur_sit/s...

1 comment:

  1. "Shiksa" and "Goyim" are derogatory terms like "Niggette" and "Nigger" used by the Jews against Gentiles, i.e. everyone else in the world who is not a Jew.

    If you are a Gentile woman the Jews call you a "Shiksa". You can feel the distain conveyed by the word which might as well be "shita" with added spit.

    If you are a Gentile man then the Jews call you a "Goyim". You can feel the distain conveyed by the word which might as well be "gormless".

    The Jews doctrine states clearly that they are chosen and the rest of us are not chosen and therefore it follows that they are perfect and we are gormless and shit by comparison and so they have these horrible words to fit their doctrine.

    We Gentiles are all niggers as far as the Jews are concerned as is stated clearly and repeatedly by their frankly evil doctrine that is more, or less a prescription for a superiority complex.

    It is not noted enough how unique the Jews doctrine is in the world.

    All other major religions including for example Christianity and Islam, are all espousing a brotherhood of man. Only the Jews have a religion that says they are the chosen and everyone else is inferior. Not surprising then that the have words for us that sound like “stupid” and “shit”.

    Again this reality is turned on it's head and we are showered with terms like Judaeo-Christian. We might as well say Evil-Good as Judaeo and Christian are clearly contradictory terms. Chosen-ness doctrine is completely incompatible with a brotherhood of man doctrine.

    Islamic-Christian would make much more sense. At least these two doctrines are compatible both being brotherhood of man doctrines.

    In short Goyim and Shiksa should be considered in precisely the same way as we consider the word nigger today. These words are meant to be an insult and should be treated and reacted to as such.

    When you notice these words being used in an episode of 'House', or "Friends" you should take it as it is meant, …it is bare faced cheek intent on normalising these disgusting anti-Gentile insults.

    What is a person asking for when they call a black person a "Nigger"? That is what a Jew is asking for who calls any Gentile "Goyim" or "Shiksa".
