3 Aug 2022

US Government, CDC Colluded With Google, Twitter, Facebook To Censor Important Information About Experimental COVID Gene Therapy 'Vaccines'

America First Legal (AFL) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to investigate unconstitutional acts between the US federal government and the Big Tech social media platforms.

AFL obtained 256 pages of communication between the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Google, Facebook and Twitter. These pages document egregious violations of the US Constitution and provide evidence that the US Federal Government violated the Nuremberg Code.

By Lance Johnson:
AFL President Stephen Miller issued a statement:

These explosive smoking-gun documents, obtained as a result of America First Legal’s litigation against the Biden Administration, conclusively demonstrate that Big Tech has unlawfully colluded with the federal government to silence, censor, and suppress Americans’ free speech and violate their First Amendment rights.

Government is expressly prohibited from censoring competing or dissenting viewpoints or from silencing its political opponents whether it does so directly or whether it uses an outside corporation to achieve its draconian, totalitarian ends. AFL will not rest in the fight against illegal collusion between Big Tech and Big Government to trample on your voices and the Bill of Rights.

CDC conspired with Big Tech to censor Americans and destroy the informed consent principle

In July 2021, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki revealed that the Biden administration was “regularly making sure” to identify public health “disinformation” while working with social media networks to have it removed. “And we work to engage with them [Big Tech] to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies,” Psaki proclaimed in July of last year. The Biden regime went public with their censorship goals, targeting twelve sources of information that they claimed were “the dirty disinformation dozen.” The Biden regime subsequently called on Big Tech to completely remove these individuals from all social media platforms.

According to the latest document release, officials with the CDC and the Biden administration colluded with content moderation teams at Google, Twitter and Facebook to block US citizens from receiving the most basic level of informed consent about the emergency use covid-19 “vaccines.” The US government not only violated the free speech clause of the US Constitution, but they also conspired to withhold relevant medical information in the informed consent process, violating basic medical ethics on a grand scale.

US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendment 1:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Nuremberg Code, First Principle:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

“This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision…”

Biden regime, CDC used Big Tech to force destructive, deadly experiments onto global population

The CDC documents detail regular communications between the federal government and the three biggest social media platforms. These included regular “be on the lookout” meetings to identify information that conflicted with the CDC’s VAX-all agenda. Federal officials provided “examples” of posts that should be flagged and posts that should be censored entirely.

On top of all the censorship, Facebook elevated government and pharmaceutical propaganda by gifting the CDC $15 million-worth of ad credits. These ad credits were used to promote social distancing, travel restrictions and vaccine uptake while hiding relevant information on the covid-19 vaccines. The CDC also established a list of “verifiable information sources” with Facebook to protect social media posts released by the State Department of Health.

At Twitter, employees arranged regular chats with CDC officials and warned Facebook officials that their algorithms were not doing a good enough job at eliminating “vaccine misinformation.” Twitter officials reached out to the CDC and asked for help to identify “misinformation” that should be censored off the platform. CDC officials sent Twitter officials an official chart detailing the tweets that they wanted to target as “misinformation.” The CDC targeted and eliminated specific information on vaccine injury, vaccine shedding, miscarriage risk, menstrual cycle disruption, and information on genetic alterations caused by the vaccine.

At Google, CDC officials went as far as editing Google’s code for its Knowledgebase. These edits were focused on promoting isolation, mask and vaccine use. CDC officials told Google to use the SEARCH engine itself to promote the CDC’s vaccine page. The CDC also utilized Google’s “signal boost” to promote similar propaganda coming from the World Health Organization and to promote “comprehensive global training on tracking, analyzing and addressing misinformation.”

CDC officials did not want to get caught colluding with social media. In the emails, CDC officials instructed Twitter employees not to share their directives. “Please do not share outside your trust and safety teams,” the CDC officials wrote. The CDC has tried to bury important information about the COVID “vaccines” – information that is essential to the informed consent process. As AFL brings these crimes up in court, it’s time for each and every individual involved in this deceitful, unconstitutional process to be held accountable and brought forth to stand trial.




 Hepatitis Outbreak of Unknown Cause Among Children: A Direct Result of AstraZeneca’s COVID “Vaccine” According to Virologist Dr. Ann-Cathrin Engwall

A respected virologist-immunologist has written a letter to the esteemed British Medical Journal (BMJ) explaining that a new outbreak of “acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children” is a direct result of AstraZeneca’s viral vector Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine.”

By Ethan Huff: Millions of children in the United Kingdom were injected with the poison, which an earlier study published in the Journal of Hepatology confirmed is causing many of them to develop severe liver damage – in some cases requiring an urgent liver transplant.

Dr. Ann-Cathrin Engwall said that adenovirus infections, which are present in 70 percent of affected children, could be the cause of acute hepatitis in children observed – even though adenovirus infections do not normally cause hepatitis in healthy children.

This strange phenomenon, she said, could point to “a completely new type of adenovirus that might have been introduced into the human population.”

“A substantial proportion of the population in the U.K. has received Vaxzevria which is an adenovirus vector vaccine from AstraZeneca developed by the Jenner Institute in Oxford,” Dr. Engwall wrote in her letter, citing research on the subject.

“The chimpanzee viral vector was selected due to the low herd immunity in the human population and originates from an adenovirus purified from the feces of chimpanzee cubs.”

Mad Franken-scientists think they are gods, and children are paying the price

The vector itself is genetically engineered, she went on to explain, noting that it cannot multiply on its own. This allows “genes of interest” to be added, which in the case of Vaxzevria is supposedly the DNA sequence expressing the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2.

“Could the adenovirus vector vaccine have contributed to a new recombinant virus?” Dr. Engwall asked.

“Even if the virus vector does not multiply, there is an obvious risk exposing such a large number of individuals that recombination with an adenovirus could occur.”

It turns out that a survival mechanism for adenoviruses known as multiplicity reactivation (MR) was discovered back in 1971 by Japanese researchers, who observed that damaged adenovirus genomes can interact with other adenoviruses in a cell to form a new viable viral genome.

“The mechanism is described as an early variant of a reproductive (sexual) process that can occur in microorganisms,” Dr. Engwall explained. “A proportion of the population, especially individuals with a compromised immune system, is carrying latent adenoviruses.”

“In Sweden, approximately 20 percent of adults and 50 percent of kindergarten children are carriers. This safety issue of viral-vector delivery systems was often discussed in the beginning of the development of these medical tools.”

The mass introduction of adenovirus vector vaccines on the heels of the plandemic represents a first in human history. Thus, the risk for recombination with adenoviruses is massively increased – which explains the sudden and seemingly out-of-nowhere appearance of hepatitis in fully-injected children.

The really sad thing is that if these viral vector injections are in fact the cause of acute hepatitis in children, then the symptoms they are experiencing now “could just be the tip of the iceberg,” Dr. Engwall warned.

“The virus may have spread to other countries from the U.K., but it is also possible that adenovirus recombinations may have occurred independently elsewhere in the world where adenovirus vector vaccines also have been used,” she added in her letter.

“Development of a new more pathogenic adenovirus could be caused by using adenovirus vector vaccines in large populations, and it is consistent with the facts available. To investigate this important safety issue of viral vector vaccines, sequencing of entire adenovirus genomes from cases and comparisons with the vaccine viral vector is necessary to verify or dismiss this hypothesis.”







The coverup of health injuries and deaths from vaccines is an old story

People injured by COVID-19 vaccines may not realize it, but the pretense that post-vaccination injuries and deaths are just “sad coincidences” — far from being unique to the pandemic jabs — is a trick as old as vaccination itself.

So-called “fact-checkers” are having to work double-time to come up with ways to deny the undeniable fact that COVID-19 vaccines are causing injuries and deaths on a massive scale.

The shot pushers and their media enablers have taken cover-up tactics to absurd new heights by, for example, chalking up the rash of fatal heart attacks and overnight deaths in athletes and young adults to a fluky condition referred to variously as “sudden adult death syndrome” or “sudden arrhythmic death syndrome” (SADS).

What the COVID-19 vaccine-injured do not necessarily recognize, however, is the pretense that post-vaccination injuries and deaths are just “sad coincidences” — far from being unique to the pandemic jabs — is a trick as old as vaccination itself.

Facilitated by well-honed semantic and statistical flimflam, public health officials’ core strategy for perpetuating their fiction is to profess innocence — making unabashedly unsubstantiated pronouncements about vaccine safety, on the one hand, while on the other hand, declaring themselves “baffled” by ailments that emerge in the aftermath of a given vaccine’s rollout.

From 1899 to 2022 — has anything changed?

In an astonishingly frank and prescient book, “The Fallacy of Vaccination,” published in 1899, Dr. Alexander Wilder called attention to the “growing conviction” among “profounder thinkers and observers” that vaccination was not only “utterly useless as a preventive” but “actually the means of disseminating disease afresh where it is performed.”

Wilder noted, “whenever a vaccinator or corps of vaccinators set out upon a vaccinating crusade, there follows very generally a number of deaths from … maladies which have been induced by the operation. …”

Wilder also blew the whistle on the suppression and concealment of vaccine adverse events and deaths, describing a fellow physician’s urging of his “professional brethren to be slow to publish fatal cases of small-pox after vaccination” and outlining other shenanigans that sound all too familiar today:

“Occasionally … a death by vaccination is published, and immediately the effort is put forth assiduously to make it to be believed that it was from some other cause. The statistics of small-pox, purporting to distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated persons, are too often not quite trustworthy. Many persons who have been vaccinated are falsely reported as unvaccinated.

“Even when death occurs as the result of vaccination, the truth is concealed and the case represented as scarlet fever, measles, erysipelas [bacterial skin infection], or some ‘masked’ disease, in order to prevent too close questioning.”

The intentionality of the suppression seemed obvious to Wilder, who added, “Further argument is met by stolid silence, and by an apparent concert of purpose to exclude carefully all discussion of the matter from medical and public journals, and to denounce all who object.”

Similar sleight-of-hand was on full display during the recent Novavax-focused meeting of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

In the ably summarized live-blog account by internist Dr. Meryl Nass — a member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory committee — Nass noted CDC’s faking of COVID-19 data to hide the far-greater hospitalization and death rates among the COVID-19-vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated.

Conveniently for the CDC, Nass noted, the only charts not “up to date by the day” were those presenting vaccination status versus outcome.

However, despite CDC’s “mumbo jumbo,” Nass pointed out, the agency was unable to hide the higher rate of myocarditis in mRNA-vaccinated males within a week of dose two — 75.9 times higher for 16- to 17-year-olds and 38.9 times higher in 18- to 24-year-olds.

Polio: another example of ‘mumbo jumbo’

With New York State recently reporting a case of “vaccine-derived polio,” and U.K. scientists declaring a “national incident” after allegedly finding “genetic sequences” of poliovirus in London sewage water, it appears public health authorities might be preparing to resurrect polio as the bogeyman du jour.

At first blush, the concession that nearly all modern paralytic polio cases are iatrogenically (medically) caused by the oral polio vaccine — shared by no less than the World Health Organization and CDC — seems unexpectedly and refreshingly candid.

However, public health authorities have no intention of conceding that the official story of poliomyelitis (where “myelitis” refers to spinal cord inflammation) is otherwise full of more holes than Swiss cheese.

There is, and always was, ample evidence to suggest that poisoning — whether by lead arsenate, DDT, or later, the toxic ingredients in polio vaccines themselves — is the most credible explanation for the paralytic symptoms and deaths that were labeled as “polio.”

In fact, early public health luminary Bernard Greenberg, founding chair of the biostatistics department at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, testified before Congress that polio vaccination had “actually increased incidents of polio” and that “misuse of statistical methods had made the opposite seem true.”

Greenberg was referring to a change in the diagnostic criteria for “paralytic poliomyelitis.” implemented in the mid-1950s, which began to require at least 60 days of paralytic symptoms to earn the diagnosis, versus previously, just 24 hours of such symptoms.

As Greenberg did not hesitate to point out, the victory claimed by the first polio vaccines, which began to be administered around the same time, was entirely undeserved.

In the present day, “acute flaccid paralysis” and “acute flaccid myelitis,” which have a clinical picture virtually identical to polio, are the diagnoses of choice for childhood paralysis cropping up all over the world, including in the U.S.

In countries like India, where tens of thousands of children have developed acute flaccid paralysis, doctors explicitly linked the condition to oral polio vaccination. But decades of published reports also associate paralysis with other childhood vaccines, such as pertussis-containing and aluminum-containing vaccines.

In fact, historical reports of spinal cord inflammation, including not just poliomyelitis but other forms of myelitis, track closely with pediatric vaccination trends, and with the concurrent rise in the practice of pediatric injection.

Earlier generations of doctors even described polio cases that followed pediatric injections as “provocation paralysis,” while more recent generations of clinicians have noted the similarity between “polio” and injection injuries dubbed “traumatic neuritis.”

On the current vaccine schedule for American children, clinical trial or post-marketing data link 17 different vaccines to “myelitis,” “encephalomyelitis,” “acute disseminated encephalomyelitis” and/or “transverse myelitis.”

Transverse myelitis also has been making an appearance with COVID-19 vaccines.

Sidestepping the obvious explanation

Since the “polio” era, there are many other examples of diagnoses intended to obfuscate rather than elucidate vaccination as a cause of illness and death — and gaslight sufferers.

These include autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Among the environmental causes put forth as plausible triggers for the neuroimmune disorders labeled as “ASD,” heavy metal poisoning — principally via vaccination — is one of the most consistent contenders.

Meticulous landmark papers published in 2004 and 2012 demonstrated strong parallels between the brain effects of mercury intoxication and ASD brain pathology. Later papers furnished similar evidence with respect to aluminum.

As for SIDS, the diagnosis first entered into vogue around the same time (in the early 1970s) that the vaccine load for children in the U.S. doubled.

Although the 1970s vaccine schedule appears restrained by today’s immoderate standards, young children of that decade not only began receiving 13 vaccines instead of seven, but also went from mostly receiving one shot at a time to often getting two at once, including five one-two punches of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and oral polio vaccine — both subsequently taken off the U.S. market due to their troublesome adverse event profile.

SIDS deaths, which by definition affect “seemingly normal, healthy infants,” and toddler deaths categorized as “sudden unexplained deaths in childhood” typically occur “in close temporal association following vaccination,” with nine of 10 SIDS deaths occurring around the same time as two- and four-month “well-baby” visits.

Nevertheless, scientists continue to state that the unpredictable deaths “elude … scientific understanding.”

The deception continues

Sadly, vaccine-injured individuals often are enlisted in the artifice.

Desperate for help, they discover they cannot gain access to the halls of medicine unless they self-censor any discussion of vaccination as the source of their health problems and instead acquiesce to “idiopathic” or “genetic” explanations, or punt to some of the more than 70,000 codes in the International Classification of Diseases-10 (ICD-10) — while eschewing the tiny handful of codes pertaining to “adverse effect of vaccines and biological substances.”

A new ICD code relevant to “new diseases of uncertain etiology or emergency use” was designated for “COVID-19 vaccines causing adverse effects in therapeutic use, unspecified.” However, it remains to be seen whether any health professionals will be brave enough to use it.

Meanwhile, as The Exposé satirically reported on July 24, “It feels like we can’t go a single week without hearing about the re-emergence, or emergence of a disease or ailment” — including a “mysterious” outbreak of hepatitis among children, the SADS phenomenon, monkeypox and, of course, polio.

All of these outbreaks, the journalists noted, “are ‘coincidentally’ occurring after millions of people worldwide have been injected with an experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.”

As the recent New York and U.K. reports of vaccine-induced polio illustrate, these threats, whether real or imagined, are likely to mobilize further hostility toward the unvaccinated — including the New York communities fiercely ostracized a few years ago for rejecting measles vaccines for religious reasons.

In addition, the specter of a polio resurgence will be used to harangue the growing number of parents who, for whatever reason, have been increasingly deferring vaccination for their children.

In short, it would be naive to expect any breakthroughs in truth-telling from official corners any time soon.


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