5 May 2023

'War crime' - Israel Called Out For Detaining Palestinians + Fury After Trans Student’s Attack On Girls Caught On Video

Men, women, children, toddlers and the elderly imprisoned by the Jews' apartheid regime for the crime of not being Jewish.

RT delves deeper into the ordeal of masses of Palestinians, including kids, women and the elderly, held by Jewish Israel under administrative detention for the crime of not being Jews despite international condemnation, but of course not from the UK, the US and other nations who's now faux democracies have been nobbled by the Jewish bankster elite who used their power to start both world wars when their usury powers were threatened.




Fury After Trans Student’s Attack On Girls Caught On Video

RT: A damning video of a transgender student beating up female students in a girls’ locker room has prompted a fierce backlash against the school board for disregarding the safety of female students, who critics say were put in jeopardy by allowing a large and violent biological male to use female spaces.

Students and parents at Martin Luther King High School claim the trans student in the video had a history of erratic and uncomfortable behavior, including showing ‘her’ penis in bathrooms and locker rooms. The Riverside Police confirmed that the student had been involved in previous altercations at the school. In response, the school district released a statement stating that the student involved would be expelled from the school, but many argue that much more needs to be done going forward.

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