7 Jun 2024

The White Jews Want THIS Report DELETED From JewTube!

"The world now knows that almost everything Israel has said about October 7th is a fabricated and concocted lie, meant only to provide the zionist state political cover for its atrocities in Gaza. ...Every major news publication that laundered these lies has the blood of murdered Palestinian children on their hands. The New York Times, BBC, CNN and all the rest are now complicit in genocide!
...Every zionist accusation is a confession of wrongdoing and in this case no country is more guilty of sexual violence and criminality than the Jewish state of Israel."

1 comment:

  1. White Jews are blackening the reputation of all decent white European people and I for one resent it. The white Jews talmud doctrine is the centre as is their Metzitzah B-peh [mutilation blowjob] genital mutilation ritual they perform on their own 8-day-old baby boys, soft name 'circumcision'.

    These white talmudic Jews are barbaric and the rest of us need to send them all to coventry [i.e. give them the permanent silent treatment] and vote against any political party or individual who dares to support them. I am ashamed that my taxes go to fund these self-centred evil bastards.

    White Protestant Christians ended slavery. The Jews monopolised black and white slavery in the last 400 years of its existence.

    The Jews claim they suffered a holocaust, this was another lie and cover for the over 100 million Russian Orthodox Christians they slaughtered as the rulers of Soviet era Russia.

    The white Jews are the US neo con artist warmongers rampaging around the world today that have destroyed the Middle East repeatedly and done just as much damage to the rest of the world, Africa, South America...

    Zelensky, he's a white Jew who says he wants to make "Ukraine = Big Israel". He's already had most of the Christian 'Goyim' men slaughtered, now, after they rape all the 'Shiksas' which is the Jews' name for non-Jewish women, their version of 'Nigger' their derogatory names for us non Jews, that will be job done...

    For goodness sake, the Jew Henry 'The Bastard' Kissinger was Israel's inside man in the US who forced the Turks to invade my fatherland Cyprus.

    We have all been screwed by the White Jews in one way or another, every European and American who has lost even 1 cent to fund them and so many who are far far more aggrieved than that and it's time to kick them out, out of Europe, out of Palestine, out, out, out!

    They can all live on arks at sea as far as I'm concerned. I pity any sucker nation that takes them in, I would pity the sea if they were in it.
