5 Jul 2024

Russia Finally Acknowledges That She Is At War With The US

'The question is what is Putin going to do with his belated recognition of reality?'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Today is July 4 when we get our annual dose of patriotic propaganda that serves to wrap us in self-righteousness which enables Washington to conduct its wars. Washington has got away with it for a long time, but now has created and brought us into conflict with a powerful adversary.

According to reports, Russia responded to Washington’s cluster bomb attack on civilians in Crimea by informing Washington that the two countries are now at war. What it means, if anything, remains to be seen. It does not seem to have caused any consternation in Washington.

In actual fact hot war between Russia and Washington began in 2008 when Washington surprised Putin by sending a US trained and equipped Georgian army into South Ossetia. The American sponsored invasion resulted in the deaths of civilians and Russian peace keepers. It only took the Russian Army 5 days to defeat the American trained Georgian Army, so Washington did not have time to get more involved.

Putin was again surprised when Washington overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014. Persecution and murder of Donbas Russians followed. Donbas asked to be reincorporated into Russia like Crimea, but Putin refused. Instead, Putin tried to keep Donbas in Ukraine with the Minsk Agreement. Ukraine and Donbas agreed and France and Germany agreed to enforce the agreement, but in fact the agreement was used to deceive Putin while the West built and equipped a large Ukrainian army to retake the self-declared Donbas republics. In February, 2022, Putin was forced by Washington to defend the Donbas Russians from being slaughtered like Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

Well, This Isn't Suspicious At All, Is It?

"Channel 4 a Far Left anti-Nigel Farage propaganda network."

m o d e r n i t y

Orwell Hits The Highway: Starting This Month Cars In Britain Will Have "Speed Limiters"

'Isn't the government running out of things in our lives they can assert control over?'

By Tyler Durden: It's bad enough cars are all basically equipped with GPS homing devices - and some now even with driver-facing cameras that can monitor you while you drive - but now some vehicles in Britain are being equipped with "speed limiters". 

Starting Sunday, July 7, 2024, all new vehicles in the EU must be equipped with Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) systems due to a new safety regulation, according to the Daily Mail. 

Although this law doesn't apply in Britain, most vehicles sold in the UK will still have the speed-limiting technology installed by manufacturers.

As the Daily Mail explains, Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) technology can automatically restrict a vehicle's speed using GPS, satellite navigation, and speed-sign recognition cameras. If the vehicle exceeds the speed limit, ISA reduces engine power to comply with the legal limit. For example, on the M1, ISA can limit the car to 70 mph.

Before ISA reduces a car's speed, it warns drivers through visual, audible, or haptic alerts, such as vibrations in the steering wheel. If ignored, the system restricts engine power to slow the car but never applies the brakes. Manufacturers may use any or all of these warning methods.

And of course chalk this brilliant idea up to big government.

Marwa Osman: Greek Cyprus' Role In The Jews' Genocide Of Christian & Muslim Palestinians And War Against Lebanon

"Cyprus should be a bridge for peace and cooperation, not a base for war or a training ground for any foreign armies. The struggle of Cyprus aims to rid our island of foreign armies [Britain, Israel, Turkey, US, France] and any foreign military presence on the island does not add to the security of our people, but rather increases risks and enemies."

vanessa beeley

Conservative Failings And The Reform UK Party - Nigel Farage

Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with Reform UK party leader Nigel Farage. They discuss his ongoing campaign to lead the country, the failings and false promises of the UK Conservative Party, the importance of self-sovereignty for a nation to thrive, why Farage is being called a populist, and why the Western world is swinging back to the Right.

Andrey Melnichenko (One Of Russia’s Richest Men) On Nuclear War And Why Biden Wants To Destroy Him

Tucker Carlson: Andrey Melnichenko is one of those fabled “Russian oligarchs” the Biden administration has decided to rob and destroy. Here’s his story.

4 Jul 2024

Putin & Xi Meet Again, Plot Countering Warmongering USA, While White House Consumed With Crisis Of Biden's Decline

Bff's second face-to-face meeting in as many months...

By Tyler Durden: In their second face-to-face meeting in as many months, Russian President Vladimir Putin told his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping that "Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are in the best period of their history." Russian state media subsequently likened it to a golden age in relations.

The two are meeting once again at the annual session of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which runs Wednesday through Thursday in the Kazakh capital of Astana. "Russia-China relations are on the highest level in history, and they are not aimed against anyone, we do not create blocs or unions, we just act in the interests of our nations," Putin stressed.

And Xi told Putin in brief opening remarks, "In the face of the turbulent international situation and external environment, the two sides should continue to uphold the original aspiration of friendship for generations to come."

Still, the reality is that the two are coming closer based ultimately on countering the US, while also vying for influence among other Central Asian SCO bloc countries, which includes the ex-Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Those are among the founding members alongside Russian and China, while India and Pakistan joined in 2017, and Iran was welcomed as the newest member last year.

From Milk-Runs To MAD To Madness

There are no secrets about the world of nature. There are secrets about the thoughts and intentions of men. -J. Robert Oppenheimer

Authored by George Ford Smith: No big deal, it was just “a milk run.”

So remarked Paul Tibbets Jr., pilot of the Enola Gay, a United States B-29 Superfortress, describing his trip to Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945. His cargo that early morning was an atomic bomb called “Little Boy,” which bombardier Major Thomas Ferebee released when the plane was directly over the city. Forty-three seconds later and with pilot and crew watching, “Little Boy” exploded above ground. Their job finished, the Enola Gay returned to base on Tinian Island.

Yes, just a milk run.

Others saw it differently. War correspondent John Hersey published a long article in the New Yorker on August 23, 1946, detailing the experience of those far enough from the center of the explosion to have recollections. No milk runs here:

As Mrs. Nakamura stood watching her neighbor, everything flashed whiter than any white she had ever seen. She did not notice what happened to the man next door; the reflex of a mother set her in motion toward her children. She had taken a single step (the house was 1,350 yards, or three-quarters of a mile, from the center of the explosion) when something picked her up and she seemed to fly into the next room over the raised sleeping platform, pursued by parts of her house.

In case you’re a visitor from another galaxy and find this disturbing, most brainwashed earth dwellers believe the “Little Boy” mission was an act of mercy.

The Green New Scam Is Dying

...based on ignorance of the science, ideological zeal, a willful desire to hurt Western growth or simple greed...

Authored by James Rickards: It’s no secret that the vast majority of the so-called elites are advocates of climate alarmism and are taken in by the Green New Scam.

Whether this preference is based on ignorance of the science, ideological zeal, a willful desire to hurt American growth or simple greed because of their investments in Green New Scam infrastructure varies case by case.

The typical upper-income supporter of the climate cult including academics, media figures and celebrities is probably ignorant of the fact that there is no evidence that CO2 emissions cause climate change and that the real causes are solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents and atmospheric moisture not caused by humans.

Climate Alarmists Have It Backward

The historical record actually demonstrates that warming periods produce higher CO2 levels — not the other way around. CO2 doesn’t cause warming. It’s caused by natural warming.

In other words, climate alarmists have causation completely backward.

Sir Keir Stasi: Labour’s Police State In Britain + Labour's Plans To End Democracy + Blair & Brown Are Behind Starmer

David Starkey Talks: The following links will give you all the information you need on Labour's plans. “A New Britain.” Labour’s plans for constitutional reform. https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uplo... 

The Labour Party Manifesto stating their intent to undertake said constitutional changes. https://labour.org.uk/change/serving-... 

Articles on Starmer and Labour’s plans by J.Sorel of The Daily Sceptic. https://dailysceptic.org/2023/07/04/l... https://dailysceptic.org/2024/02/16/k... https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/03/b... https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/21/s...

"WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!" - Nigel Farage Rallies Clacton

"The real enemy is the BBC and my first promise to you if elected to parliament is I will campaign for the abolition of the BBC licence fee. Slippery Sunak and [yawn] Starmer, talk about boring, god help us!"

Resistance GB: Nigel Farage rallies supporters on the eve of the general election.

Watch: Dramatic Video Shows Russia Repelling Drone Boats Attack On Key Port

Surprise attack on Black Sea port of Novorossiysk...

By Tyler Durden: Russia's defense ministry (MoD) on Wednesday published some rare and intense footage of Ukrainian naval suicide drones which got close to the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk.

The speedboat-type drones were approaching the coast in the darkness of the early morning hours when Russian Navy assets opened up heavy machine gun and rocket fire on the vessels. Watch the footage released by the MoD:

Philippines Legislature Finds 290,000 Excess Deaths Correlate With The Covid “vaccine”

Turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60, 70-year-old people.”

By Aussie17: An explosive hearing unfolded at the Philippines’ House of Representatives, focusing on the concerning increase of over 290,000 excess deaths. As people start to connect the dots to the roll-out of experimental vaccines, heated discussions ensued, revealing shocking testimonies and data.

Attorney Tanya Lat voiced the frustrations of many Filipinos:

“There are Filipino people who are sick and tired of how the DOH has let us down, has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick, turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60, 70-year-old people.”

Her words resonated in the chamber, painting a grim picture of a Department of Health (DOH) that seems indifferent to the suffering caused by the vaccines.

“We look into their eyes, there does not seem to be any sympathy for the people who have died, for the people who are now physically disabled because of these vaccines,” she added.

"OMG" The SHOCKING Satanic Origins Of NASA

"We're learning that they lied to us about virtually everything pertaining to World War 2."

Candace Owens: Kamala Harris panders to black voters at The BET Awards, Joe Biden blames his horrible debate performance on Jet Lag, and are you aware of the satanic origins of NASA?

How The British Elections Are Rigged - Andrew Bridgen

Resistance GB: Andrew Bridgen discusses the consequences of the spending limits for the UK general election and their impact on independent candidates.

Why Russia Should NOT Be On The Terrorist List With Clare Daly And Mick Wallace

"If Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism, well then so is the USA, so is Israel, it's meaningless."

Katie Halper: Clare Daly and Mick Wallace explain the hypocrisy of Russia being labeled as a terrorist state.

The Practice Of Medicine Has Gone Very Wrong

Japanese Medical Doctors Lambast Covid-19vaccinefor causing deaths and spawning new diseases


Video 1: Major Japanese Press Conference

Click here to watch the video

They were stirring up that the vaccine should be taken for people with diseases, so my spouse and I stupidly believed that that just getting this vaccine would definitely save us and we got vaccinated. Two days later, while I was on a day off going back to my parents’ house, he passed away alone An autopsy was also conducted.

THEY’RE POISONING US - Big Pharma’s Shocking TRUTH + Tucker Notices Something About The Debate No One Noticed

Russell Brand: Steve Bannon begins his jail sentence, Biden faces ousting from the Democrats, and Trump attempts to delay his hush money sentencing. I also chat with Calley Means about who will take on Big Food and Big Pharma given the decline of our health, we delve into the rise in cancer rates, the truth behind Ozempic, and why genuinely healthy foods are being demonized.

3 Jul 2024

Something Astonishing Is Happening

"Don't care, still voting REFORM!"

Paul Joseph Watson

Christians ‘Buying Our Own Stolen Water’ In Bethlehem, West Bank Mega Concentration Camp

Summer always comes with a Jew-imposed water shortage for Christians in West Bank mega concentration camp. That's right, Bethlehem, the place where Jesus was born, where many Christians naturally live, has been turned into a mega concentration camp by white neo-Jews. Usually the evil Jews spit on the Christians, murder them, rape them and desecrate their churches. This year, it will be worse than usual.

By Fayha Shalash: During the past few weeks, the Jews decided to reduce the amount of water allocated to the cities of Hebron (Al-Khalil) and Bethlehem, in the Jews West Bank mega concentration camp, by about 35 percent, while increasing the Jewish land thieves aka settlers’ share of water resources.

The Israel regime Mekorot water company, which controls the amount of resources that reach Palestinians in the West Bank, officially informed the Hebron municipality of the new provision.

The decision has intensified the state of anxiety among the residents of the two concentration camp cities.

How Financial Surveillance Threatens Our Democracies: Pt. 1

"If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy." -Phil Zimmermann

Authored by Alexandre Stachtchenko: When they descended into coal mines, miners would take a caged canary with them.

The toxic gasses, notably carbon monoxide, that accumulate in these places and pose a deadly risk to miners, would kill the canaries before the miners.

This information made them aware of the danger, enabling them to evacuate before it was too late.

On May 14, 2024, Alexey Pertsev, a software developer who built an open-source tool to preserve online privacy, was found guilty of money laundering and sentenced to more than 5 years in prison by a Dutch court.

In the court's decision, the following can be read:

"The tool developed by the suspect and his co-authors combines maximum anonymity and optimal concealment techniques with a serious lack of identification functionalities. Therefore, the tool cannot be characterized as a legitimate tool that has been inadvertently used by criminals. By its nature and operation, the tool is specifically intended for criminals."

Seeking to preserve one's privacy is thus at worst proof of criminality, at best complicity in a crime. A threshold has been crossed.

Literally Hitler - Why Can't We Talk About Him? Evil Jews!

"Why can't we discuss Hitler ever?"

Candace Owens: Kyle Rittenhouse is apparently a bad person for not giving his family money, Paris Hilton testifies on Capitol Hill over the criminal treatment of kids in foster care, Newsweek runs a piece about how Taylor Swift is not a good role model, and today we also talk about Hitler.

Internet, Gates And Grub On The Jimmy Dore Show

Jimmy Dore: James joins Jimmy to discuss 9/11, internet censorship, Gates, the future of food and more.

World War 3: SHOCKING New Intelligence - Andrew Bridgen

"I've had some shocking news overnight from intelligence sources around the globe. We're being dragged further into escalating the war in Ukraine, our involvement. Biden's now officially authorised US military contractors to fight in Ukraine! Without the public ever being informed or asked about it, were being pushed, dragged, sleepwalking into a war with Russia. We're talking about a World War with a super power that's got nuclear weapons. This is insanity, we should be negotiating."

Resistance GB: Andrew Bridgen reveals he has been provided with intelligence indicating an imminent world war.

Tucker Carlson’s Message To Australians - Melbourne, Australia Full Speech

Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Melbourne, Australia, and delivers his message to Australians.

He's DESTROYING The Deep State Narrative And They're NOT HAPPY About It

Redacted: Ian Carroll joins Redacted for a deep dive conversation about the deep state agenda, social media censorship, and why the Game Stop story is so important.

France Is No Longer France

"Thanks to mass migration France is no longer France."

m o d e r n i t y

Nationwide Bank In Britain Is REFUSING Withdrawals By Depositors!

By Hal Turner: Video from the United Kingdom is out today, July 2, showing Nationwide Bank  REFUSING to give a Depositor £5,000 British Pounds Sterling from his own account at the bank!  People in the UK may want to reconsider (fast) if leaving money in this Bank is a smart move.

Instead of the bank giving the man his own money, they tell him to GET OUT!

Here is the video going viral on Social Media:

Even Nigeria Plans To Bring Gold Reserves Home To Minimize Risk

... the gold repatriation plan is “a strategic decision,” and that the country was taking “proactive measures to safeguard its wealth and strengthen its financial resilience.”

Authored by Mike Maharrey: Nigeria is bringing its gold reserves home to keep it safe.

According to a report by The Star, Nigerian officials decided to repatriate the country’s gold in April “to mitigate risks associated with the weakening U.S. economy.”

“Economic indicators such as rising inflation, escalating debt levels, and geopolitical tensions have raised apprehensions among Nigerian policymakers about the stability of the U.S. financial system.”

Nigeria holds about 21 tons of gold in its reserves.

Economist Fatima Abubakar called the gold repatriation plan “a strategic decision,” and that the country was taking “proactive measures to safeguard its wealth and strengthen its financial resilience.”

Crowd Roars As Tucker GOES OFF On Vax & MASSIVE Increase In Heart Failure In Young Adults

Russell Brand: Tucker Carlson Goes Off on Vaccine Makers Being Protected from Lawsuits While the Injuries Accumulate

“The Manipulated Man” By Esther Vilar PROOF 50 Years Later She Is More Than Right

Esther Vilars' The Manipulated Manshould be required reading in schools today.

- Angelos Agathangelou

Manosphere Highlights Daily: "The Manipulated Man" Esther Vilars classic polemic about the relationship between the sexes caused a sensation on its first publication. 50 Years Later She is More Than Right. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women.

Hungary's Orbán Announces New 'Patriots For Europe' Alliance With Austrian & Czech Nationalists

“Europe does not want to be left to Macron, Von der Leyen or some left-wing experiment.”

Authored by Dénes Albert: Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), Czechia’s ANO, and Hungary’s Fidesz have formed a new right-wing coalition, the parties’ respective leaders announced at a joint press conference in Vienna on Sunday.

Herbert Kickl (FPÖ), Andrej Babis (ANO) and Viktor Orbán (Fidesz) announce new right-wing coalition in Vienna. (Facebook)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, and Austrian opposition leader Herbert Kickl said the new alliance would hopefully entice others to join and become the largest nationalist political group in the European Parliament.

“Today we are creating a political formation that will ‘forge ahead’ and very quickly become the strongest grouping and largest faction of the European right,” Orbán said.

The Hungarian prime minister expects this to happen within days, and then the “sky will be the limit.”

Orbán pointed out that the situation in Europe is clear, that European politics must change and change is needed in Europe.

He underlined that in 20 of the 27 EU member states, parties that promised change to the citizens won the European Parliament elections.

The Resurrection Of French Nationalism?

'There is hope that if Le Pen wins France and does not sell out to Washington, the unravelling of NATO and resurrection of European independence will begin.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: France was the last European nation to lose its sovereignty, and France might be the first to recover its sovereignty. In the 1960s France was still a nation of ethnic French as contrasted with the tower of babel and a geographical entity that it is today.

During the ten-year presidency of Charles De Gaulle (1959-69) France’s policy was one of national independence. DeGaulle refused to join NATO, and he opposed a supranational Europe in which nations would subordinate themselves to a European Union.

French independence could be on the point of return judging from the success of Marine Le Pen’s party yesterday in the current French elections. Her nationalist party has in the first round of the parliamentary elections taken 34% of the votes with President Macron’s centrist coalition receiving only 21% support. If the second round produces similar results, a restoration of French independence is possible.

For many years European governments have worked consistently to overwhelm their ethnic populations with third world immigrant-invaders. It has reached the point where ethnic European women raped by immigrant-invaders fear to report the crime as it can result in a charge of racism or worse against the victim. For example, in response to a gang-rape of an ethnic German female, a 20-year old ethnic German female citizen called one of the gang rapists a “disgraceful rapist pig.” The German citizen was sentenced to jail for defaming an immigrant-invader, a protected species under German law, while the rapist was given a suspended sentence and served no jail time.

7 CEOs Who SECRETLY Poisoned The World For Profit + 7 Times A.I. Went ROGUE

"We save a lot of money when our workers drop dead poisoned by our product."

Sciency Stuff: Dive into the dark underbelly of some of the biggest corporations in the world, uncovering the sinister actions of some of the most ruthless CEOs & executives in history. From environmental disasters to public health crises, these individuals stop at nothing to achieve profit, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake...

White Neo-Jews' Minister In Charge Of Religious Genocide Says Christians Should Be "Shot in the Head" ...Will Pass Law

Shows how utterly Barbaric he is - and how Barbaric the new white Jews' Israel regime actually is! It gives you a sense of what Palestinians have had to endure for years.

By Hal Turner: Itamar Ben Gvir, Minister of National Security of "Israel", calls for Palestinian prisoners to be shot in the head and announces that they will pass a law to legalize their executions.

In a televised interview, he said "They ask me if Palestinian prisoners should be given food... and I say that Palestinian prisoners should be killed by a shot to the head. We will pass a law on the execution of prisoners."

The Mask Comes Off - Hal Turner Editorial

With his public remarks, Israel's Minister of Security shows how utterly Barbaric he is - and how Barbaric the Israeli government actually is!  It gives you a sense of what Palestinians have had to endure for years.  The mask is off.

The fraud that the so-called "state" of Israel is a light unto the world, is shown to be a complete lie.

1 Jul 2024

Zia Yusuf Full Speech - Rally For Reform UK 30th June 2024 + Nigel Farage Full Speech - Scrap The BBC License Fee

"We have an ace up our sleeve, we have a real leader!"

Nigel Farage: Entrepreneur Zia Yusuf delivers the speech of the day at the NEC at the Rally for Reform, and passionately urges Britain to vote Reform UK on Thursday.

Why I Left This Religion + Candace Owens LIVE Sermon

Candace Owens: I discuss the blind faith people have in “the science,” Pride Month is over, Marine Le Pen is triumphant in France, and Tia Mowry gives horrible relationship advice.

Arab League Bitch Slaps Israel/U.S.; Removes Hezbollah From Terrorist List

'Hezbollah are the good guys!'

By Hal Turner: The Arab League has voted to remove Hezbollah from the list of "Terrorist Organizations."

Hezbollah had previously been designated as a "Terrorist Organization" in the year 2016 at the initiative of Saudi Arabia.

At that time the "Party of Allah (Hezbollah)" was accused of being an agent of Iranian influence in the Middle East, and interfering in the internal affairs of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and the Arab Monarchies of the Persian Gulf.

Now, that designation is lifted, just perhaps days before Israel initiates actual war against Hezbollah/Lebanon.

So apparently now, at least to the Arabs, Hezbollah are the good guys!

Ann Widdecombe Full Speech - Rally For Reform UK 30th June + TikTok Cut Reform Party’s Livestream During Rally

"Where is the sense in teaching children that there are 142 genders when there are only ever going to be two of them? Where is the sense of turning our education system into one which teaches children what to think instead of teaching them how to think? Where is the sense in having a prime minister, as we will in 4 days time, who doesn't actually know what a woman is?"
Nigel Farage

Host STUNNED When Nigel Farage Says What No Politician Will Admit

"People are beginning to deeply mistrust authority, fiercely oppose establishment corruption, doubt every single institution from the media to the judiciary, to the electoral process itself."

Russell Brand: Prof Jeffrey Sachs schools Piers Morgan on the root cause of the Russia-Ukraine war as Nigel Farage says NATO provoked Putin into invading Ukraine.

Tucker Reacts To Trump v Biden Debate During Sydney, Australia Speech

Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Sydney, Australia, and reacts to the recent U.S. presidential debate.