3 Jul 2024

World War 3: SHOCKING New Intelligence - Andrew Bridgen

"I've had some shocking news overnight from intelligence sources around the globe. We're being dragged further into escalating the war in Ukraine, our involvement. Biden's now officially authorised us military contractors to fight in Ukraine! Without the public ever being informed of asked about it, were being pushed, dragged, sleepwalking into a war with Russia. We're talking about a World War with a super power that's got nuclear weapons. This is insanity, we should be negotiating."

Resistance GB: Andrew Bridgen reveals he has been provided with intelligence indicating an imminent world war.

Tucker Carlson’s Message To Australians - Melbourne, Australia Full Speech

Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Melbourne, Australia, and delivers his message to Australians.

He's DESTROYING The Deep State Narrative And They're NOT HAPPY About It

Redacted: Ian Carroll joins Redacted for a deep dive conversation about the deep state agenda, social media censorship, and why the Game Stop story is so important.

France Is No Longer France

"Thanks to mass migration France is no longer France."

m o d e r n i t y

2 Jul 2024

Girls Are Not Sweet: Why The Good Girl Illusion Matters For Women

Ask An Older Man

Nationwide Bank In Britain Is REFUSING Withdrawals By Depositors!

By Hal Turner: Video from the United Kingdom is out today, July 2, showing Nationwide Bank  REFUSING to give a Depositor £5,000 British Pounds Sterling from his own account at the bank!  People in the UK may want to reconsider (fast) if leaving money in this Bank is a smart move.

Instead of the bank giving the man his own money, they tell him to GET OUT!

Here is the video going viral on Social Media:

Even Nigeria Plans To Bring Gold Reserves Home To Minimize Risk

... the gold repatriation plan is “a strategic decision,” and that the country was taking “proactive measures to safeguard its wealth and strengthen its financial resilience.”

Authored by Mike Maharrey: Nigeria is bringing its gold reserves home to keep it safe.

According to a report by The Star, Nigerian officials decided to repatriate the country’s gold in April “to mitigate risks associated with the weakening U.S. economy.”

“Economic indicators such as rising inflation, escalating debt levels, and geopolitical tensions have raised apprehensions among Nigerian policymakers about the stability of the U.S. financial system.”

Nigeria holds about 21 tons of gold in its reserves.

Economist Fatima Abubakar called the gold repatriation plan “a strategic decision,” and that the country was taking “proactive measures to safeguard its wealth and strengthen its financial resilience.”

Crowd Roars As Tucker GOES OFF On Vax & MASSIVE Increase In Heart Failure In Young Adults

Russell Brand: Tucker Carlson Goes Off on Vaccine Makers Being Protected from Lawsuits While the Injuries Accumulate

“The Manipulated Man” By Esther Vilar PROOF 50 Years Later She Is More Than Right

Esther Vilars' The Manipulated Manshould be required reading in schools today.

- Angelos Agathangelou

Manosphere Highlights Daily: "The Manipulated Man" Esther Vilars classic polemic about the relationship between the sexes caused a sensation on its first publication. 50 Years Later She is More Than Right. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women.

Strangling Jewish Israel Regime Restrictions On Indigenous Christians & Muslims Were In Place Long Before October 7th

This video was produced by If Americans knew in 2006. It contains information on Israeli restrictions going back to 2002. See more videos here and here.

Hungary's Orbán Announces New 'Patriots For Europe' Alliance With Austrian & Czech Nationalists

“Europe does not want to be left to Macron, Von der Leyen or some left-wing experiment.”

Authored by Dénes Albert: Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), Czechia’s ANO, and Hungary’s Fidesz have formed a new right-wing coalition, the parties’ respective leaders announced at a joint press conference in Vienna on Sunday.

Herbert Kickl (FPÖ), Andrej Babis (ANO) and Viktor Orbán (Fidesz) announce new right-wing coalition in Vienna. (Facebook)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, and Austrian opposition leader Herbert Kickl said the new alliance would hopefully entice others to join and become the largest nationalist political group in the European Parliament.

“Today we are creating a political formation that will ‘forge ahead’ and very quickly become the strongest grouping and largest faction of the European right,” Orbán said.

The Hungarian prime minister expects this to happen within days, and then the “sky will be the limit.”

Orbán pointed out that the situation in Europe is clear, that European politics must change and change is needed in Europe.

He underlined that in 20 of the 27 EU member states, parties that promised change to the citizens won the European Parliament elections.

The Resurrection Of French Nationalism?

'There is hope that if Le Pen wins France and does not sell out to Washington, the unravelling of NATO and resurrection of European independence will begin.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: France was the last European nation to lose its sovereignty, and France might be the first to recover its sovereignty. In the 1960s France was still a nation of ethnic French as contrasted with the tower of babel and a geographical entity that it is today.

During the ten-year presidency of Charles De Gaulle (1959-69) France’s policy was one of national independence. DeGaulle refused to join NATO, and he opposed a supranational Europe in which nations would subordinate themselves to a European Union.

French independence could be on the point of return judging from the success of Marine Le Pen’s party yesterday in the current French elections. Her nationalist party has in the first round of the parliamentary elections taken 34% of the votes with President Macron’s centrist coalition receiving only 21% support. If the second round produces similar results, a restoration of French independence is possible.

For many years European governments have worked consistently to overwhelm their ethnic populations with third world immigrant-invaders. It has reached the point where ethnic European women raped by immigrant-invaders fear to report the crime as it can result in a charge of racism or worse against the victim. For example, in response to a gang-rape of an ethnic German female, a 20-year old ethnic German female citizen called one of the gang rapists a “disgraceful rapist pig.” The German citizen was sentenced to jail for defaming an immigrant-invader, a protected species under German law, while the rapist was given a suspended sentence and served no jail time.

"Biden Totally Won" Lefties COPE HARD Over Trump Debate + Trump v Biden With Farts

Bearing: "Biden Totally Won" Lefties COPE HARD Over Trump Debate. Regards, 🐻

7 CEOs Who SECRETLY Poisoned The World For Profit + 7 Times A.I. Went ROGUE

"We save a lot of money when our workers drop dead poisoned by our product."

Sciency Stuff: Dive into the dark underbelly of some of the biggest corporations in the world, uncovering the sinister actions of some of the most ruthless CEOs & executives in history. From environmental disasters to public health crises, these individuals stop at nothing to achieve profit, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake...

White Neo-Jews' Minister In Charge Of Religious Genocide Says Christians Should Be "Shot in the Head" ...Will Pass Law

Shows how utterly Barbaric he is - and how Barbaric the new white Jews' Israel regime actually is! It gives you a sense of what Palestinians have had to endure for years.

By Hal Turner: Itamar Ben Gvir, Minister of National Security of "Israel", calls for Palestinian prisoners to be shot in the head and announces that they will pass a law to legalize their executions.

In a televised interview, he said "They ask me if Palestinian prisoners should be given food... and I say that Palestinian prisoners should be killed by a shot to the head. We will pass a law on the execution of prisoners."

The Mask Comes Off - Hal Turner Editorial

With his public remarks, Israel's Minister of Security shows how utterly Barbaric he is - and how Barbaric the Israeli government actually is!  It gives you a sense of what Palestinians have had to endure for years.  The mask is off.

The fraud that the so-called "state" of Israel is a light unto the world, is shown to be a complete lie.

1 Jul 2024

Zia Yusuf Full Speech - Rally For Reform UK 30th June 2024 + Nigel Farage Full Speech - Scrap The BBC License Fee

"We have an ace up our sleeve, we have a real leader!"

Nigel Farage: Entrepreneur Zia Yusuf delivers the speech of the day at the NEC at the Rally for Reform, and passionately urges Britain to vote Reform UK on Thursday.

They Are Desperate To Sabotage Farage

The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters

Why I Left This Religion + Candace Owens LIVE Sermon

Candace Owens: I discuss the blind faith people have in “the science,” Pride Month is over, Marine Le Pen is triumphant in France, and Tia Mowry gives horrible relationship advice.

"Boundaries In Marriage: Should Married Women Chat With Other Married Men For Hours?"

"We all know man, the internt is a crazy crazy space!"

Ask An Older Man

Arab League Bitch Slaps Israel/U.S.; Removes Hezbollah From Terrorist List

'Hezbollah are the good guys!'

By Hal Turner: The Arab League has voted to remove Hezbollah from the list of "Terrorist Organizations."

Hezbollah had previously been designated as a "Terrorist Organization" in the year 2016 at the initiative of Saudi Arabia.

At that time the "Party of Allah (Hezbollah)" was accused of being an agent of Iranian influence in the Middle East, and interfering in the internal affairs of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and the Arab Monarchies of the Persian Gulf.

Now, that designation is lifted, just perhaps days before Israel initiates actual war against Hezbollah/Lebanon.

So apparently now, at least to the Arabs, Hezbollah are the good guys!

Ann Widdecombe Full Speech - Rally For Reform UK 30th June + TikTok Cut Reform Party’s Livestream During Rally

"Where is the sense in teaching children that there are 142 genders when there are only ever going to be two of them? Where is the sense of turning our education system into one which teaches children what to think instead of teaching them how to think? Where is the sense in having a prime minister, as we will in 4 days time, who doesn't actually know what a woman is?"
Nigel Farage

Host STUNNED When Nigel Farage Says What No Politician Will Admit

"People are beginning to deeply mistrust authority, fiercely oppose establishment corruption, doubt every single institution from the media to the judiciary, to the electoral process itself."

Russell Brand: Prof Jeffrey Sachs schools Piers Morgan on the root cause of the Russia-Ukraine war as Nigel Farage says NATO provoked Putin into invading Ukraine.

When Diversity Goes Wrong

Paul Joseph Watson

Tucker Reacts To Trump v Biden Debate During Sydney, Australia Speech

Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Sydney, Australia, and reacts to the recent U.S. presidential debate.