10 Jul 2024

The End Of Jordan Peterson? Does Biden Have Parkinson's?

Candace Owens: A Parkinson’s expert visits the White House eight times in eight months, Amber Rose is set to speak at the RNC, and is Jordan Peterson ok?

Angelos Agathangelou: It all started When JP stood up for free speech on campus, he wouldn't suffer legislation to force certain speech, all well and good, but then on the way he criticised MGTOW, which was his first idiotic move. JP's since repented about the MGTOW diss, but the end came since he showed us he was brain rinsed by the zionist lobby.

The same fate should await Farage's reform party if reform don't stand up on the right side of history when it comes to zionism and the lobby. The right side obviously being to stand against it because zionism is evil. The uniparty [lab/con] are so called in large part due to the fact that they are both nobbled by the zio-lobby. They work for a foreign government and not for the people of Britain.

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