8 Aug 2024

1984 In 2024 Britain: Orwellian Met Police Chief Threatens "Keyboard Warriors" With Terrorism Charges

We will come after you.”

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Ultra fascist head of the Met Police Sir Mark 'Two Tier' Rowley has warned that “keyboard warriors” could be hit with terrorism charges for inciting riots online, even if they are living abroad.

Uncouth 'Two Tier' Rowley who recently smacked a reporter's microphone as he passed him by, for daring to ask him a question, made the comments in response to waves of unrest that unfolded across the UK following the murder of three little girls at a Taylor Swift dance class in Southport by a 17-year-old of Rwandan migrant origin via his parents.

Asserting that the “full force of the law” would be used against anyone who dares to discuss this issue, 'Two Tier' Rowley made it clear that this included not just people physically involved in the protests, but those who make inflammatory comments about them on social media.

“And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you,” Rowley threatened.

A Sky News reporter than mentioned Elon Musk as a ‘high profile figure’ who was “whipping up hatred,” when in fact Musk merely asked Prime Minister Keir Starmer, “Why aren’t all communities protected in Britain?”.

“What are you considering when it comes to dealing with people who are whipping up from behind a keyboard and maybe is in a different country,” the reporter asked Rowley.

“Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law, you can be guilty of offences of incitement, of stirring up racial hatred, there are numerous terrorist offences regarding the publishing of material, all of those offences are in play if people are provoking hatred and violence on the streets and we will come after those individuals just as we will physically confront on the streets the thugs and the yobs who are causing the problems for communities,” said Rowley.

As we highlighted yesterday, authorities have warned Brits that merely retweeting information about the riots could lead to criminal charges.

Stephen Parkinson, the Director of Public Prosecutions, told Sky News that people do not even need to personally post the content themselves to be deemed to be committing an offence.

Parkinson said social media users could be guilty of “incitement to racial hatred” if they post “insulting or abusive” content that is “likely to stir up racial hatred.”


1 comment:

  1. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. As a matter of fact in Britain they closed the asylums and the lunatics roam free. As with every other insult they always come up with soft names like 'care in the community', because 'letting the nutters run free' wouldn't suit our Orwellian rulers' objectives, or else it's '15 minute cities', because 'prisoner in your own home' similarly wouldn't play well.

    Appropriately while here in Britain the government releases violent criminals early, this poor excuse for a man who dares to stifle public discourse, who purveys his 'Two Tier' police justice on the people is indicative of the reason we are in this mess and he simultaneously shows us who they're making room for in the prisons, people who dare to discuss the declining state of our nation due to unrestrained illegal immigration.

    Sir Mark 'Two Tier' Rowley has made of himself a prime example of what the abuse of public office in Britain looks like.

    If my recent posts are any indication, David Starkey and myself, among many other decent people who simply care to reverse the decline of our once great nation, are prime candidates to fill the spots made vacant of real criminals in our prisons.

    All across the west our once green and pleasant nations have become rotten to the core.

    In the US Tulsi Gabbard Confirms her "Quiet Skies" Nightmare where the government abuses its power to silence critics of perpetual wars. Even Senators and Ex Presidents are not safe.

    Yesterday ex UN weapons inspector and anti-war pundit Scott Ritter's house was raided by the FBI and state police.

    They may as well come and take me to jail, because I refuse to bend over for this Orwellian shafting. There's no need for any of us to insight a riot when they are doing such a splendid job of provoking one.

    It is said that, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” but clearly we are way past that now as evil clearly rules. The only response is revolution, but how when the devils have cultivated a tower of Babel?

    I don't know how, but a velvet revolution is the only way forward. We need the spirit of Gandhi and Mandela and we need them in the west as a great matter of urgency.
