10 Sept 2024

Jew Nobbled BBC Caught Red Handed In SHOCKING Pro Genocidal Colonialist Apartheid Regime Israel Bias Scandal!

KernowDamo: The BBC are currently engaged in perhaps one of the most blatant examples of shameless pro Israel bias they've ever committed! 

Right, so the BBC’s reputation for impartial broadcasting of news content is very much in the gutter these days, but what they’ve done here is so shockingly appalling, nails on their pro Israel bias and it actually has nothing to do with their news content for once, but what they’ve been up to behind the scenes and actually not even for the first time either.

The BBC has decided to block an aid appeal for Gazan victims of Israeli atrocity, a televised appeal designed to go out on multiple broadcast stations, all of whom have agreed to broadcast it, with the exception of the BBC, they are the only station it seems that has a problem with it. Is that because they are afraid of the Starmer led government, pro Israel as that is coming down on them, or are they afraid they’ll come in for criticism from the Israeli state itself? Whatever the reasoning, this move by the BBC is holding up the entire aid appeal, our free and impartial publicly funded broadcaster once again, proving it is anything but and over some like this, is frankly unforgivable.

Right, so that was a bit of footage from back in 2009 featuring the late, great Tony Benn, doing what he did best, have vested interests spinning like a top as he effortlessly side-stepped all attempts to both silence and deflect from what he was determined to say and still ended up saying it. The quality of politician we sadly no longer have, very much the case in the current Labour government. Frankly he’d have been booted out of this version of it, of that I have no doubt. That interview followed a 2009 strike on Gaza by Israel, the stats Benn read out spoke for themselves, horrifying as that was at the time, but what we’ve observed over the last 11 months has been orders of magnitude more severe. Benn twice successfully managed to get donation details out there that again, the BBC then were blocking from broadcast, again an appeal in aid of victims of atrocity in Gaza, an appeal set up by the Disasters Emergency Committee, the DEC. So this is par for the course with the BBC, trotting out that but Hamas line, Benn reminding her Hamas were actually the elected government in Gaza, I daresay by now were he still alive, he would have commented about the fact Hamas had not held an election since and that’s true still to this day, they hadn’t, hardly democratic, but largely at this point a moot point now, there’s not much to govern over anymore. And so once again, here in 2024 the DEC have launched an appeal, or at least tried to.

It’s not like the DEC, in case you haven’t heard of them, or are unfamiliar with them don’t have an ample track record to be dismissed by the BBC when it comes to Gaza. They’ve been around since 1963, they are not just one body, they are a group of humanitarian aid agencies, all of which are charities themselves, about 15 of them I believe, and the DEC is itself a registered charity. They have raised money for humanitarian disasters around the world, from the first in 1966 in Turkey following an earthquake, nations in the Indian Ocean following the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004, to the Haiti earthquake disaster, but also aid in warzones to help those innocents affected, for example Ukraine. Since it’s inception, the DEC has raised £2.2bn in humanitarian aid across 77 separate appeals. But Gaza, that’s been a problem for the BBC before and it’s a problem for them again now. Why are the people of Gaza worth less than people every where else BBC? Why will you broadcast appeals for humanitarian aid, be it via the DEC or not, when it comes to other disasters, other global crises, but not when it comes to the people of Palestine? It’s inexcusable, it’s evil frankly to deny these people aid, it completely buys into the Israeli apartheid notion that these people are for some reason, are somehow worth less.

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