9 Sept 2024

Racist Colonialist Jews' Apartheid Regime Israel To Make Fighting For Human Rights A CAPITAL OFFENCE?

KernowDamo: Director of Israel regime's controlled opposition organisation B'Tselem, Yuli Novak is accused of conspiring with the enemy for the crime of standing up for human rights.

Right, so if there is one thing you can imagine Israel could do without right now it is pesky human rights laws, after all, the people of Palestine are less than human in many of their eyes and the last thing such people want to be constantly reminded of, is the fact their own racism and apartheid doesn’t make them right here.

So how about they legislate to make it that way instead? Such is the dangerous road Israel appears to be on when standing up for the human rights of Palestinians could be criminalised and it’s no exaggeration that this could be about to come to pass as a particularly mad and nasty Israel minister now wants to see the head of Israel’s own human rights organisation, B’Tselem arrested and prosecuted for aiding the enemy and done so under a law that is punishable by lifetime imprisonment, or even the death penalty. Human Rights are now Hamas as well it seems.

Right, so what the heck is going on now Damo, does Israel not have enough on it’s plate than to be taking chunks out of human rights campaigners in it’s ever weakening justification of the ongoing war against Gaza? You might be thinking or words to that effect. Well apparently not. B’Tselem are now themselves in the sights of at least some in the Israeli government, Israel’s own human rights campaign agency as they are, The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, Israelis actually concerned about the well-being and ill treatment of Palestinians by their own nation, proof as perhaps it needs saying that not all Israelis are hell-bent on the destruction and seizure of land that is not theirs, there are good ones standing up for what is right and what is just, they just don’t happen to be in government.

All of this has come about since last Wednesday when the Director of B’Tselem, Yuli Novak, via video link, addressed the UN Security Council. Here’s part of what she said, the full clip can be found via B’Tselem themselves on social media: Condemnation not just of Israel, for what she called enactment of Jewish Supremacy, but also condemnation of the criminal act Hamas committed on the night of October 7th. She blames her government for cynically exploiting that though, to wage war on the entirety of the Palestinian people. Actions in Gaza that goes beyond revenge, making Gaza uninhabitable, infrastructure destroyed, mass displacement, all laying the ground work for long term occupation of Gaza including the re-establishment of settlements. It was a damning statement, the rest is well worth hearing as well, laying out fact after fact without favouring Israel or Hamas, because ultimately it is the abuse of the people of Gaza that B’Tselem stands to highlight, somebody in Israel you imagine has to, and in no way do they let Hamas off the hook either, be that now or when they were in government in Gaza, as they have been functionally since 2006, up until Gaza pretty much as Yuli Novak said, got rendered uninhabitable in many places.

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