15 Sept 2024

Shock Move By Palestine At UN Puts Israel In BIG TROUBLE!

KernowDamo: Palestine have wasted no time at all making the most of their new found rights at the UN and Israel now face a BIG shock!

Right, so Palestine have, as has been quite widely reported now taken a seat at the United Nations General Assembly, not as an observer state seated elsewhere, but seated amongst the other nations, which is a big step forward towards permanent member status as it absolutely should have, but which to all intents and purposes is being blocked by the United States, who of course in turn set the foreign policy of a lot of other nations besides, but that isn’t the big surprise for Israel, despite their disgust at this turn of events.

While the State of Palestine does not have permanent member status as yet and therefore cannot cast a vote on motions still, it does have new rights and privileges and one of those is that they can now present draft resolutions to the General Assembly, this is something they have now done already and unlike the news of their seat at the UNGA, it’s gone appallingly underreported too and you can probably imagine why because it is THAT that is going to be giving Israel and Netanyahu’s awful hard right coalition government a massive throbbing headache.

Right, so the State of Palestine has taken it’s seat amongst other United Nations member states in the UN Assembly Hall, a new consequence of that vote held back in May, where the UN General Assembly voted through the recognition that the State of Palestine met the criteria for becoming a full member state and recommended to the UN Security Council to reconsider this favourably, with the US having vetoed such a move previously. They did of course then proceed to veto it again.

Nonetheless, the passing of this resolution with regards to the State of Palestine by the UN General Assembly has awarded them new rights and privileges and this includes now being seated where it belongs amongst the other member states in that assembly hall at the UN. So far so much you may already know, may have already heard.

However, amongst these new rights the State of Palestine has, is the ability to, although it can’t vote on it, bring draft resolutions to the UN General Assembly and that, is a big problem for Israel, because the very first draft resolution being brought by the newly seated State of Palestine, drops a bombshell on them, something Israel have done to them all too often, all too literally, but in this case it is very much figurative.

You may recall back in July that the International Court of Justice ruled that the occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories was illegal.

Their decision stated that Israeli forces in the territories was there illegally, that it should withdraw as soon as possible, an excerpt from Reuters from that time on the findings stating that: ‘"Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the regime associated with them, have been established and are being maintained in violation of international law," President Nawaf Salam said, reading the findings of a 15-judge panel.

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