8 Aug 2024

1984 In 2024 Britain: Orwellian Met Police Chief Threatens "Keyboard Warriors" With Terrorism Charges

We will come after you.”

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Ultra fascist head of the Met Police Sir Mark 'Two Tier' Rowley has warned that “keyboard warriors” could be hit with terrorism charges for inciting riots online, even if they are living abroad.

Uncouth 'Two Tier' Rowley who recently smacked a reporter's microphone as he passed him by, for daring to ask him a question, made the comments in response to waves of unrest that unfolded across the UK following the murder of three little girls at a Taylor Swift dance class in Southport by a 17-year-old of Rwandan migrant origin via his parents.

Asserting that the “full force of the law” would be used against anyone who dares to discuss this issue, 'Two Tier' Rowley made it clear that this included not just people physically involved in the protests, but those who make inflammatory comments about them on social media.



Russell Brand: We have a lot to be fearful of with the growing threat of technocracy, and there are many things already underway that seem to cement a bleak future. What exactly is happening and what can we do? I speak with Alex Jones, Candace Owens and Steve Bannon to find out more.

Covid Vaccine Inventor Blows Whistle: 'mRNA Was Designed To Depopulate The World'

"Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences!"

TPV: The Covid vaccine was designed to sterilize the masses and depopulate the world, according to the inventor of the ill-fated Oxford Covid vaccine who has blown the whistle on the elite’s real agenda behind the shots.

While the mainstream media continue to serve their masters and suppress the truth, highly placed whistleblowers are coming forward to reveal what they know about what was really happening behind-the-scenes during the plandemic.

David Starkey: Mass Migration Destroyed The Britain I Knew

"Starmer is a natural authoritarian who presents himself as a police man, extraordinary, we've never had a prime minister who presents himself as a police man! Everything he does makes things worse! Britain was the most peaceful, most gentle, homogenous society that has ever existed, that has been destroyed. Public trust has been deliberately destroyed because they were going to force us to become multi ethnic for our good, they were going to rub the noses of the whites in the dirt, we've got to understand that."

GBNews: Historian David Starkey reacts to the latest protests and riots across Britain. Mr Starkey slammed Keir Starmer over his reaction to the protests, saying Labour has lost the white working class forever. The historian also described the safe and peaceful England he grew up in, saying that it has now been destroyed by Tony Blair and New Labour who forced a multi-ethnic society on unwilling Britons.

Armed Migrant Gangs Stalk UK While Jew Bought Government Cracks Down On Native Brits!

The mask has truly come off. The message? The evil Jews who own the British government and the lame stream media want the British Christians and Muslims to kill each other!

By Tyler Durden: It's a story we've seen before.  In the US and Europe during the pandemic lockdowns, far-left rioting and looting in the name of BLM was widely celebrated by the corporate media and protected by government officials.  The lockdown mandates were not enforced when it came to progressive unrest.  Conservative anti-mandate protesters, on the other hand, were treated as terrorists and governments were quick to censor, suppress and intimidate.  A two tier policing system and legal system bubbled to the surface. 

Wherever conservative, nationalist or "right wing" protests arise in the west the full force of government power is applied to frighten the public into compliance.  It might be to enforce covid mandates or it might be to prevent the populace from questioning open border policies.  In the UK The mask has truly come off.  The message? You will accept mass immigration from the third world, or else...

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer's recent announcement on the government response to British protests are highly revealing.  To summarize, indigenous and "right wing" Brits are not allowed to take to the streets (or online) because their ideology is "wrong."  Armed Muslim migrant gangs and leftists are apparently free to do whatever they please.

3 Year Investigation: Official French Government Docs Prove Brigitte Macron Is A Male Paedophile - Media Blackout

"Just like Barack Obama's husband Michael."

TPV: A strange thing happens to journalists and fact checkers who set out to debunk the claim that Emmanuel Macron’s wife Brigitte was actually born male.

These journalists think it’s a ridiculous conspiracy theory that will be easy to dismiss and debunk.

Then they quickly realize that they were wrong. Very wrong.

Just as there is a mountain of evidence in the US that Barack Obama’s wife Michelle is actually a man named Michael Robinson, there is even more evidence in France that the president is married to a man who seduced him when he was a 14-year-old boy, before transitioning to life as a woman, and operating as the future president’s handler.

If that sounds far-fetched and ridiculous, well… that’s what the journalists and fact checkers thought too before they became firm believers that Brigitte Macron, the First Lady of France, is a transgender pedophile who lived as a man for 30 years and is now hiding in plain sight.

"Tommy Robinson "Is An Israel Asset, Not An "English Patriot"

"Tommy Robinson is advancing the Jews' Islamophobia and anti-Arab agenda! Tommy Robinson is not his real name, he has about 4 different names, we think his real name is Yaksly Lenin!"
Richard Medhurst