'No woman can do anything anymore without automatically becoming a pawn in this carcinogenic political war on men. Your girls will be the future
and your boys, the past.'
By Thursday was a great day of feminist victory for the World to see, including me, in Brazil. This time, the news on mainstream media, including : CBS News, Yahoo News, BBC News, New York Post and many others, in English, as well as MSN, Revista Galileu and many others, in Portuguese and quite surely in every other language on Earth – was about “Katie Bouman, the woman behind the first photograph of a black hole”. The picture of amazed Katie after looking at her work on a computer screen won the media, following the black hole photograph.
On Brazil’s Facebook, a feminist’s empowered post went viral:
For the first time in History, astronomers achieved to present the first image ever of a black hole. The deed is considered one of the greatest landmarks in Physics in this century.