25 Jun 2024

An Unspeakable Outrage

Paul Joseph Watson

When & How The United Africa Was Dismantled - Farrakhan Speech - Part 1 + Part 2 - The BRICS & Gadaffi

"None of us can trust the United Nations [UN] again, because it is a pawn of the western world. ...That thing, 'who let the dogs out?' what has just been done [the killing of Gadaffi] has let the dogs of destruction, out." - Farrakhan

speaknsee: Africa Gaddafi and Lois Farrakhan speech that still making waves as for history to not repeat itself. The United States of Africa is in full swing once again.

How Russia Survived More Than 20,000 Sanctions With This Genius Technique!

We Love Africa: How Russia Survived More Than 20,000 Sanctions With This Genius Technique! What can be the maximum number of sanctions a country could face? If you guessed a number in the hundreds, prepare to be surprised. Russia has been subjected to over 20,000 sanctions. Yes, it sounds astonishing, but take a look at these contributions.

What's even more remarkable is that despite facing this staggering number of sanctions, Russia not only survived but has also managed to thrive economically. So, how did Russia achieve this seemingly impossible feat? What was the secret behind its resilience and economic success? Let's find out.

Russia Declares USA A "Party To The (Ukraine) Conflict"

'We are very much in grave danger because of what our [US] federal government has been doing and continues to do.'

By Hal Turner: The Russian Foreign Ministry has summoned the US ambassador to Moscow after Ukraine used American-supplied ATACMS missiles in an attack on the Crimean peninsula, resulting in numerous civilian casualties.

In a statement on Monday, the ministry said Ambassador Lynne Tracy had been presented with a demarche in connection with what it called “a new bloody crime of the Kiev regime patronized and armed by Washington,” referring to the Ukrainian shelling of Sevastopol the day before.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Ukrainian attack occurred around noon local time on Sunday, involving five ATACMS missiles armed with cluster munitions, which are outlawed in more than 100 countries. Officials said four rockets had been destroyed in mid-air, while a fifth was damaged by air defenses, veered off course, and detonated over Sevastopol. Local authorities say the strike killed four people, including two children, and injured more than 150.

"Beware: The Hidden Dangers Of Relationship Advice From Single Women"

Ask An Older Man


Richard Medhurst

Wales Moves Forward With Plan To Punish Politicians For Telling Lies

...creates an uncertainty as to which statements would be deemed an opinion and which would be treated as a statement of fact. It invites selective and biased prosecutions...

Authored by Jonathan Turley: Will Rogers once said that “if you ever injected truth into politics, you’d have no politics.” In Wales, it appears that the government is challenging that assessment. However, if the new legislation criminalizing political lies is successful, the Welsh are likely to find themselves with the same abundance of lies but little free speech.

A proposal in the Welsh parliament (or the Senedd) would make it the first country in the world to impose criminal sanctions for lying politicians. Adam Price, the former leader of the liberal Plaid Cymru Party is pushing for the criminalization, citing a “credibility gap” in UK politics.

Astonishingly, this uniquely bad idea has received support from a key committee. Once on track for adoption, this is the type of law that can become self-propelling through the legislature. Few politicians want to go on record voting against a law banning political lies. The free speech implications are easily lost in the coverage.

The new law would make it a criminal offense for a member of the Senedd, or a candidate for election to the Senedd, to wilfully, or with intent to mislead, make or publish a statement that is known to be false or deceptive. There is a six-month period for challenges to be brought.

The law allows a defense that a statement could be “reasonably inferred” to be a statement of opinion, or if it were retracted with an apology within 14 days. If guilty, the politician would be disqualified from being a Senedd member.

Fidel Castro AI Reconstruction In English - We Must Defend Our Country

Time Unveiled: This is a remake of a speech by Fidel Castro 1 week after the bay of pigs. it is known as 'We must defend our country'. It has been recreated using transcripts from that event using AI tools.

Chrissy Teigen Needs An Exorcism

"Macron's wife is a man."

Candace Owens