26 Jun 2024

The Evil Jews Deliberately Kill Gentile Kids For Fun - Hind Rajab's Murder Exposed As DELIBERATE

Owen Jones

MUST WATCH - Neil Oliver: How Banks Took Over Empires & Truth About WWII, Brexit & The Covid Vaxx Rape Of Humanity

"The mRNA technology specifically, I don't want that anywhere near me, ever!"

Tucker Carlson: Neil Oliver is a Scottish broadcaster, host of the podcast Neil Oliver's Love Letter to the World and The Neil Oliver Show on GB News in the UK.

Julian Assange Is Free

'Thus ends for Assange one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the US government. Americans will never be able to live down this shame.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: If the news report from Sky News that reached me early this morning is not a hoax, the US government, increasingly regarded worldwide as a criminal organization, could not convince British courts to extradite Julian Assange. Washington was unable or unwilling to provide the British assurances that Assange would not be abused and denied his rights.

Many of us think Assange has been abused enough by the British government which held him in solitary confinement for 62 months, a massive violation of habeas corpus, as a favor to Washington.

Perhaps “British justice” grew tired of the shame of serving as Washington’s jailer and imprisoning a man who has not been convicted of anything. The brownie points that the British were earning from Washington were offset by the appearance of complicity in Washington’s act of vengeance against a journalist who published leaked information embarrassing to Washington.

Perhaps the British judges decided that the 13 years Washington stole from Assange’s life and the life of his wife and children was enough.

Kenya Protesters Storm Parliament, Police Fire Live Rounds, After Lawmakers Unleash Anti-Human Net Zero Eco-Austerity

'The so-called international community and powerful global/Western institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regularly induce governments to take on huge debts, and then begin to impose from abroad drastic societal reform measures on the population.'

By Tyler Durden: The Kenyan capital of Nairobi has descended into violence and mayhem as large street protests by Kenyans outraged at new tax policies and a harsh 'Eco-Austerity' program imposed by the government have resulted in the parliament building being set on fire.

Legislators are evacuating after the anti-tax protesters initially breached parliament. They quickly overwhelmed police soon after the lawmakers voted to pass a bill which introduces new nationwide taxes, including an eco-levy which raises the price of basic goods such as diapers, as part of efforts to curb waste management and be more environmentally friendly.

The new taxes were tucked away in Kenya’s Finance Bill 2024, and directly impacts imports, prices, and sales of diapers, batteries/dry cells, smartphones, earphones, clocks, radios, TV sets, cameras... staplers, printers, calculators, photocopying machines, keyboards, mice, projectors and LCD monitors.

More SHOCKING Revelations About 9/11 + Jewish Apartheid Regime 'Israel' Official Admits: 'We Orchestrated 9/11'

Candace Owens: I look into some of the shocking revelations surrounding 9/11, Julian Assange is freed on US plea deal, and a TikToker named Lilly Gaddis goes viral for saying the n-word.

25 Jun 2024

An Unspeakable Outrage

Paul Joseph Watson

When & How The United Africa Was Dismantled - Farrakhan Speech - Part 1 + Part 2 - The BRICS & Gadaffi

"None of us can trust the United Nations [UN] again, because it is a pawn of the western world. ...That thing, 'who let the dogs out?' what has just been done [the killing of Gadaffi] has let the dogs of destruction, out." - Farrakhan

speaknsee: Africa Gaddafi and Lois Farrakhan speech that still making waves as for history to not repeat itself. The United States of Africa is in full swing once again.

How Russia Survived More Than 20,000 Sanctions With This Genius Technique!

We Love Africa: How Russia Survived More Than 20,000 Sanctions With This Genius Technique! What can be the maximum number of sanctions a country could face? If you guessed a number in the hundreds, prepare to be surprised. Russia has been subjected to over 20,000 sanctions. Yes, it sounds astonishing, but take a look at these contributions.

What's even more remarkable is that despite facing this staggering number of sanctions, Russia not only survived but has also managed to thrive economically. So, how did Russia achieve this seemingly impossible feat? What was the secret behind its resilience and economic success? Let's find out.

Russia Declares USA A "Party To The (Ukraine) Conflict"

'We are very much in grave danger because of what our [US] federal government has been doing and continues to do.'

By Hal Turner: The Russian Foreign Ministry has summoned the US ambassador to Moscow after Ukraine used American-supplied ATACMS missiles in an attack on the Crimean peninsula, resulting in numerous civilian casualties.

In a statement on Monday, the ministry said Ambassador Lynne Tracy had been presented with a demarche in connection with what it called “a new bloody crime of the Kiev regime patronized and armed by Washington,” referring to the Ukrainian shelling of Sevastopol the day before.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Ukrainian attack occurred around noon local time on Sunday, involving five ATACMS missiles armed with cluster munitions, which are outlawed in more than 100 countries. Officials said four rockets had been destroyed in mid-air, while a fifth was damaged by air defenses, veered off course, and detonated over Sevastopol. Local authorities say the strike killed four people, including two children, and injured more than 150.

"Beware: The Hidden Dangers Of Relationship Advice From Single Women"

Ask An Older Man


Richard Medhurst

Wales Moves Forward With Plan To Punish Politicians For Telling Lies

...creates an uncertainty as to which statements would be deemed an opinion and which would be treated as a statement of fact. It invites selective and biased prosecutions...

Authored by Jonathan Turley: Will Rogers once said that “if you ever injected truth into politics, you’d have no politics.” In Wales, it appears that the government is challenging that assessment. However, if the new legislation criminalizing political lies is successful, the Welsh are likely to find themselves with the same abundance of lies but little free speech.

A proposal in the Welsh parliament (or the Senedd) would make it the first country in the world to impose criminal sanctions for lying politicians. Adam Price, the former leader of the liberal Plaid Cymru Party is pushing for the criminalization, citing a “credibility gap” in UK politics.

Astonishingly, this uniquely bad idea has received support from a key committee. Once on track for adoption, this is the type of law that can become self-propelling through the legislature. Few politicians want to go on record voting against a law banning political lies. The free speech implications are easily lost in the coverage.

The new law would make it a criminal offense for a member of the Senedd, or a candidate for election to the Senedd, to wilfully, or with intent to mislead, make or publish a statement that is known to be false or deceptive. There is a six-month period for challenges to be brought.

The law allows a defense that a statement could be “reasonably inferred” to be a statement of opinion, or if it were retracted with an apology within 14 days. If guilty, the politician would be disqualified from being a Senedd member.

Fidel Castro AI Reconstruction In English - We Must Defend Our Country

Time Unveiled: This is a remake of a speech by Fidel Castro 1 week after the bay of pigs. it is known as 'We must defend our country'. It has been recreated using transcripts from that event using AI tools.

Chrissy Teigen Needs An Exorcism

"Macron's wife is a man."

Candace Owens

24 Jun 2024

Dear Great Britain: A Heartfelt Message From Nigel Farage

"Britain is broken and Britain needs reform. No taxes until £20,000! No more lockdowns. No more 20mph speed limits. This is a revolt against the political establishment."


Genocidal British Zionist Movement - Most Jews In Britain

vanessa beeley

UK Technocrats Sharpen The Knives Of Manipulation

In every sphere of daily life, our thoughts and actions are being psychologically manipulated to align them with what the states technocrats have deemed to be in our best interests

Authored by Gary Sidley: My recently published research into the UK Government’s deployment of behavioural science strategies – ‘nudges’ – leads to a startling conclusion: in every sphere of daily life, our thoughts and actions are being psychologically manipulated so as to align them with what the state’s technocrats have deemed to be in our best interests.

It seems that open, transparent debate is no longer considered necessary.

How did my nation, a purported beacon of freedom and democracy, descend to such a position? While there have been multiple participants in this journey into behavioural science-fueled authoritarianism, a historical review of the key players indicates that American scholars have contributed in crucial ways to this trajectory. 

The Ubiquity of UK Behavioural Science

The research to which I refer sought to reveal the actors responsible for strategically frightening and shaming the British people during the Covid event. Focusing on the controversial ‘Look them in the eyes’ messaging campaign – involving a series of close-up images of patients on the cusp of death and a voice-over saying, ‘Look them in the eyes and tell them you are doing all you can to stop the spread of coronavirus’ – my critical analysis uncovered a series of disturbing findings in regard to the UK government’s deployment of often-covert behavioural science strategies during times of ‘crisis.’ These revelations included:

Christian Children Among Mass Casualties After Evil Jews Target Illegal US-Supplied Cluster Missile At Crowded Beach

"Therefore, the responsibility for the deliberate missile strike on Sevastopols civilians lies primarily with Jewish neo-con-artist warmongers of Washington, who supplied this weapon to Ukraine, as well as the Jew run Kiev regime, from whose territory the strike was launched against Innocent Christians,"

By Tyler Durden: Russia on Sunday is reporting a mass casualty event in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol, and is saying that a US long-range missile was behind it.

The Russian Ministry of Health in a recent update said that five people were killed in a series of strikes from Ukraine, which injured 124 people including 27 children. Among the deceased, two were children, the ministry said. The casualty toll is likely to climb over the next hours amid the emergency response and as hospital data is reported.

Moscow is calling it a 'terrorist missile strike' on Sevastopol with five US-supplied ATACMS tactical missiles, carried out just after noon local time. What's more is that Russia says they were equipped with cluster warheads, making for a bigger casualty strike zone.

Crimean officials said that in once instance a missile exploded above a crowded beach, unleashing shrapnel on people who had been relaxing there.

War Dance + Kosher - Bob Moran

Labour MP Jonathan 'Shabbos Goy' Ashworth Confronted By Constituents On Jews' Gaza Mega Concentration Camp

"Why did you abstain? You told other people you were worried about your career, because the Jews would take you out of the shadow cabinet!"

Janta Ka Reporter’s Rifat Jawaid reacts to viral videos of Labour MP Jonathan Ashworth being confronted by his constituents in Leicester South over his questionable stand on Gaza. Rifat explains how as many as 80 parliamentary seats have significant Muslim votes, capable of swinging the outcome.

An Unexpected Discovery + They Can't Stop Farage

m o d e r n i t y

British Children Getting Shorter, Fatter, Sicker & Thicker

...obesity levels in 10- and 11-year-olds have increased by 30 percent since 2006...

Authored by Rachel Roberts: The authors of a damning report into children’s health have called on the next government to do more to tackle the soaring level of obesity in youngsters, which they say is a “ticking timebomb” for a lifetime of illness and comes at a huge cost to both the state and the individual.

The report by The Food Foundation charity, released on Wednesday, concludes that “aggressive” marketing of cheap, ultra-processed food together with diets lacking nutrition—often fuelled by poverty as well as the food industry—are behind a “significant decline” in children’s health.

It finds that British children have been getting shorter, on average, since 2013, after being on an upward trajectory since 2000. While acknowledging that ethnicity plays a role in height, the report says data suggest the decline is more down to dietary deficiencies than to shifting demographics.

Meanwhile, obesity levels in 10- and 11-year-olds have increased by 30 percent since 2006, while Type 2 diabetes in the under-25s has increased by 22 percent in the past five years.

Anna Taylor, executive director at The Food Foundation, said in a statement: “The health problems being suffered by the UK’s children due to poor diet are entirely preventable.

23 Jun 2024

Russia Just Made An OMINOUS Nuclear Warning To West + "Justin Trudeau Is FINISHED" Canadians Take To The Streets

Russia's OMINOUS Nuclear Warning
The West Had Better Pay Attention

Redacted: Vladimir Putin has just issued what can only be described as a chilling warning involving nuclear weapons, global world order, and NATO's continued provocation. Asia rolled out the red carpet for Putin this week... during his Asia tour, which included stops in North Korea and Vietnam, Putin dropped a bombshell—both metaphorically and potentially literally.

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans Are Going "Off Grid" In Anticipation Of What Is Coming

Our society is already in the process of collapsing all around us, and those that understand what is happening are getting prepared for what is coming...

Authored by Michael Snyder: As our society descends into chaos, vast numbers of people are choosing to pull the plug and walk away.  Of course it is nearly impossible to completely escape the ubiquitous madness that is seemingly all around us, but many are finding that an “off grid” lifestyle gives them the best opportunity to insulate themselves as much as possible.  When you become less dependent on the system, what happens to the system has less of an impact on you.  Unfortunately, it appears that our system is heading into a full-blown meltdown, and a significant portion of the population is feverishly making preparations in anticipation of what is coming.

According to Reuters, it has been estimated that there are now approximately 20 million “preppers” in the United States…

Brook Morgan surveyed booths at the “Survival & Prepper Show” in Colorado that were stocked with boxes of ammunition, mounds of trauma medical kits, and every type of knife imaginable.

A self-described “30-year-old lesbian from Indiana,” Morgan is one of a new breed of Americans getting ready to survive political upheaval and natural catastrophes, a pursuit that until recently was largely associated with far-right movements such as white nationalists since the 1980s.

Andrew Bridgen BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW - Fighting Corrupt Lame Stream Politics In Order To Actually Serve The People

MUST WATCH: "No good deed goes unpunished in the British parliament."

Resistance GB journalist Will Coleshill speaks in a special episode of The Resistance Podcast with Andrew Bridgen, MP for Northwest Leicestershire until the present election and now independent candidate.

DEFCON2: Daily Chaos Interviews Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Is a wider war for certain?

The Interview begins at the 8 minute mark

Daily Chaos

LEGO Produces 'Pride' Video With Drag Queens And Furries

Clearly aimed at children...

Authored by Steve Watson: Childrens toy company LEGO has released aPridevideo featuring drag queens and even furries in toy form.

Yes, they are furries, not just random bears taking part in a Pride parade. 

Who exactly is this aimed at?

How To Know You've Found The Right One?

Join the emotional brotherhood

Ask An Older Man

Common Sense & Memes Are Viruses To New World Order

'Certainly, wind power, or solar, or electric vehicles, for that matter, are not currently self-sustaining. Instead, these are now subsidized by false narratives, and tax-payer funds, all in the service of Anthropological Climate Change®, which is an epic lie.'

The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants. – Albert Camus

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. – C.S. Lewis

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. – Albert Einstein

Authored by Doug “Uncola” Lynn: If there is one thing that became perfectly clear during my time in the dump truck, it is this:  The world runs on diesel. So every time I see a semi hauling a wind turbine, the following considerations come to mind:  How many blades have been transported for how many windmills in how many areas?  How much petroleum, or coal, or nuclear power, was utilized in the construction of said blades?  How many gallons of diesel fuel were used to excavate the ground to run power lines from the rural areas where the wind turbines are located?

The Great Debate: Israel v Palestine

Candace Owens: I host comedians Ami Kozak and Dave Smith to discuss the Israel/Palestine debate.

UN Investigator Calls Racist Jewish Apartheid Regime 'Israel' Army The Most Criminal Army In The World

Janta Ka Reporter: A top UN investigator, Chris Sidoti, has stunned everyone by calling the Israeli army as ‘one of the most criminal armies in the world’. Sidoti made this observation while releasing the findings of his report on Israeli atrocities in Gaza. He was joined by Navi Pillay, the chair of that investigation.

22 Jun 2024

Hobson's Arse + False Flag - Bob Moran

Possibility Of Nuclear War Is Now A Reality

RT talks to Stevan Gajic, researcher at Belgrade institute of European studies, and Martin Jay, journalist and editor of Maghrebi.org, about the rising fears of potential nuclear war as the West escalates tensions with Russia

Gen Z Doesn't Want To Work Anymore

The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts

The Jewish Torah 'Is All Bullshit" Debunking The White Neo-Jews' State Of Israel

"Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the land of Israel, archeologists have found out: The Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt, did not wander in the wilderness, did not conquer the land of Canaan in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the twelve tribes of Israel. ...The united monarchy of David and Solomon, which was described in the bible as a regional superpower, was, at most, a small tribal kingdom."


The Toxic Truth About Vegetable Oils In Your Home

Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

The Israel Boycott Is Working And It Is DEVASTATING, But The Lame Stream Media Are Hiding It

Redacted: Companies around the world are boycotting Israel and the media will not tell you about it. Isn't this ironic when U.S. lawmakers tried so hard to stop the BDS, an economic boycott is what we get anyway? Maybe we should have paid more attention to the peaceful protest before we got the October 7 violent one, huh?

“Something BIG Is About To Happen” - EXCLUSIVE Alex Jones Interview On INFOWARS Shut Down

"Our message is scaring the system. Something big is about to happen, why are they so desperate to get us off the air?"

Russell Brand

Everyone Hates The Acolyte As Much As Disney Hates Star Wars


Misandric Racist Walt Disney Company Discriminates Against White People, Especially Males

“Nobody else is going to tell you this, but theyre not considering any white males for the job. Theres no way we’re hiring a white male.”

James O’Keefe is a top flight investigative reporter.

21 Jun 2024

KCNA Releases Text Of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty With Russia

The key provisions of the open-ended treaty

TASS: The Korean Central News agency has released the text of the North Korean-Russian treaty on comprehensive strategic partnership that was signed during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to that country.

The key provisions of the open-ended treaty are:

  • Immediate mutual assistance in case of aggression against any of the countries;
  • In case of a threat of aggression, the countries agree on measures to coordinate their positions, cooperate to remove the;
  • Moscow and Pyongyang commit themselves not to enter into any agreements with third countries that may threaten their sovereignty and security;
  • Russia and North Korea will make efforts to boost bilateral trade and create favorable conditions for economic cooperation;
  • Moscow and Pyongyang agree to develop cooperation in the area of space exploration, peaceful use of nuclear energy, AI, and IT;
  • The countries will invigorate cooperation in the area of the mass media to counter disinformation and information provocations;
  • Russia and North Korea will create a system of measures to strengthen defense potential to prevent war and ensure peace;.

Official Announcement: "Diplomacy Has Failed" - Neo-Jewish Israel - Hezbollah Heading To War - Doom Scale Just Hit 10

This is looking like a 10 scale doom moment.

By Hal Turner: The U.S. Special Envoy, the Jew Amos Hochstein, has publicly announced that "diplomatic efforts to calm tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have officially failed." Hezbollah squarely refuses any negotiation to relocate its people north of the Litani River in Lebanon.

Yesterday, through COVERT INTEL, I reported that Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, told US Envoy Amos Hochstein that Hezbollah will PRE-EMPTIVELY strike Israel if they see Israel preparing for a Lebanon Invasion.  Those preparations have been announced and ARE happening.

Israel said today that "Southern Lebanon will look like GAZA, and Beirut is not immune."

Based upon Hezbollah refusing to reach any agreement and Israel now backed into a corner being forced to take action to resolve the so-called "Hezbollah security issue (no security at all), the time is nigh for war.

Hezbollah had until the 24th to agree to the Israeli demand to withdraw to north of the Litani River. Instead, Hezbollah threatened offensive measures if Israel looked to prepare to attack.

Zionism Is A Drug

"The drug that is zionist propaganda."
Tadhg Hickey

Malaysia Just Decided To Fill Paperwork To Officially Join BRICS & End West’s Monopoly!

We Love Africa: Does Malaysia also oppose Western dominance? Malaysia has decided to join BRICS, as announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. But this decision to join BRICS seems more about challenging the Western system than just joining Brics itself. As BRICS aims for de-dollarization and a multipolar world, more nations want to join. This shows a global willingness to reduce Western dominance. Could this be why Malaysia decided to join BRICS?

Gentlemen, How "Red Pilled" Are You? Find Out If It's Healthy For Your Relationships!

Ask An Older Man

Something Big Is Happening


Paul Joseph Watson

What REALLY Happened On 9/11? Apart From Dancing Jews...

Candace Owens: I discuss some lingering questions surrounding 9/11, a Toddler sings along to a perverse Sexyy Red song, JoJo Siwa is still being disturbing, and Marc Lamont Hill notices my success since leaving The Daily Wire.

God’s Chosen People

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Water in Jabaliya is hard to come by and mixed with sewage. Here, people wait for hours and receive just one gallon of contaminated water. (screenshot)

The Jewish Power Party says the party is committed to the annexation of Gaza for Jewish settlement as soon as the Palestinians “voluntarily migrate,” an euphemism for being expelled by violence.

Have you ever wondered why God chose a Satanic people as his own?

Washington Weaponized Domestic Law And Its “Rules-Based-Order”

'The complete and total failure of the American media, which our Founding Fathers mistakenly relied on to hold government accountable, has left Americans with two devastating threats, one of which is domestic tyranny and the other is war with Russia, and perhaps China and Iran also.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Merrick Garland, Biden’s specialist in using law as a weapon against Donald Trump and his supporters, recently described in the Washington Post, a CIA asset, his critics as conspiracy theorists who are undermining trust in the Department of Justice (sic).

Many Americans have a different view. Garland, claiming “executive privilege,” covers up the Justice (sic) Department’s refusal to indict Joe Biden for the same offense for which Trump has been indicted by preventing the release of special counsel Hur’s interview of Joe Biden. Hur found that Biden knowingly possessed national security documents for which he had no permission, and that he was guilty of mishandling national security documents by leaving them in the trunk of his car and spread among a variety of non-secure locations. However, Hur concluded that Biden shouldn’t be indicted because of his “diminished mental facilities.” As I previously asked, how then is Biden qualified to be president of the United States and have his finger on the nuclear button? The Justice (sic) Department doesn’t say.

20 Jun 2024

Katie Hopkins: We´re Now Watching The Collapse Of The Ukraine Narrative

"You are now watching the fall of the lie which was fed to you. Now please take down your Ukraine flags."

Russian Northern Fleet In Cuba - Armed With Unstoppable Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles - What Next USA?

teddolbi: Is it OK for Cuba, or Venezuela to Hit Targets Inside Wokeism Infected USA with unstoppable Russian Supplied Hypersonic nuclear Missiles?

UN Commission Of Inquiry: The Jews Are Responsible For War Crimes In Their Gaza Mega Concentration Camp

A United Nations Commission of Inquiry has found that the Jews ARE RESPONSIBLE for many War Crimes in Gaza.

By Hal Turner: Speaking in Geneva, Navi Pillay, chair of the UN-backed Commission reported:
Israel forcibly transferred almost the entire population into a small area that is unsafe and uninhabitable.
The deliberate use of heavy weapons with large destructive capacity in densely populated areas constitutes an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population.”

Pillay says the commission concluded that
specific forms of sexual and gender-based violence constitute part of the Jews operating procedures.
The daily onslaught in Gaza has largely overshadowed a parallel wave of violence in the Jews' West Bank mega concentration camp.
Since the Gaza genocide began in October more Palestinians have been killed by the Jewish Green Shirts or 'settlers' there than in any recorded period.
The violence, encouraged by the Jewish state, is due to both Israels generally militarized operations and asurge in settler violence.”

Making Dark Topics Funny

Sammy Obeid: Sometimes the crowd wants what they want. This was the improvised portion of my show that I did in Orlando. If you don't get some of the references, neither did I.

Aaron Cleary On Economics And Thomas Sowell


Just Stop Oil Attacks Stonehenge

m o d e r n i t y

Apple Explains How They Name Things

SAMTIME: Apple finally reveals how they name things.

Major BRICS Update: "The US Dollar Is On Borrowed Time"

"Sanctions on Russia, whether you agree with them or not has shown the rest of the world that if you hold USD as your reserve currency, you're not protected and you're not safe, in fact it's the opposite. Should you disagree with the US, or should the US disagree with you and your policy making, your reserves can be frozen and stolen at a moment's notice."

Taylor Kenney explores the latest developments within the BRICS bloc, highlighting more Countries interested in joining the coalition. With the BRICS bloc growing, it poses as a significant threat to the U.S. dollar's dominance, a concern echoed by the IMF's latest data. With emerging markets increasingly trading outside the dollar and central banks hoarding gold, the landscape of global economic power is rapidly shifting.

I Say Ban Porn, Cardi B Defends It

Candace Owens: I'm talking about the moon landing again, Morgan Freeman still doesn't like Black History Month, Cardi B defends porn, and it's Juneteenth! Celebrate me!

"Something Has Changed And Putin Is Preparing For FULL War With NATO" Says EX-CIA Agent

Redacted: Ex-CIA Agent Larry Johnson joins Redacted live to talk about Victor Orban's latest NATO warning. He says NATO is preparing for full war with Russia and building three new NATO bases to strategically provide weapons into Ukraine. Serbia's leader Vucic says war with Russia is only 3 months away.

19 Jun 2024

Why Do Women Lie To Themselves? What You Need To Know

"The juice ain't worth the squeeze!"

Ask An Older Man

The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement - The Culture War Is A Fight To Stop It

...the level of delusion required to ignore the effects of the culture war is mind boggling to me... If you don’t understand the culture war, then you don’t understand a thing that’s happening in America (and many parts of Europe) today.

Authored by Brandon Smith: I was recently watching a video by some of my favorite movie commentators in which they were lamenting the apparent death of the movie theater business. They cited a long list of recent blockbuster bombs with some confusion as to why so many films were failing. In particular, they had predicted the film ‘Furiosa’ (a feminist bait and switch movie designed to replace the more popular male Mad Max character) would do relatively well.

Yet, the movie bit the dust in epic fashion. They were bewildered as to why this occurred.

They posited numerous social and economic theories trying to explain why so many big budget bonanzas were losing money. They of course suggested that the covid event might have pushed people to adjust to streaming services as the better option. They noted that theaters can be more frustrating because of loud customers. They tried to apply some economic theories to the situation (these theories were overly simplistic and painful, but these guys aren’t economists so I gave them a pass).

However, when the concept of the culture war was briefly broached, they dismissed it immediately.

Can The British Police Sink Any Lower Than This?

"He filmed a busker in the street, the busker called 999 and the police true to their woke petty obsession with hurt feelings sent in the heavy mob."


Killing Babies With Infant Formula

Is Your Baby's 'First Food' Loaded With Toxic Heavy Metals?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Researchers looked at samples from 20 formulas made by well-known local and international brands, and found that six out of 20 formulas tested positive for five types of toxic heavy metals, including lead and aluminum
  • In May 2024, the FDA sounded the alarm on the Crecelac Infant Powdered Goat Milk Infant Formula, after tests revealed it was contaminated with Cronobacter, which can lead to life-threatening infections like sepsis and meningitis
  • U.S. lawmakers are also working on a new bill, dubbed The Baby Food Safety Act of 2024, that would direct the FDA to set maximum allowable limits for heavy metals in baby food and infant formula
  • Breast milk is still the best option for both infants and mothers. However, if you are unable to lactate, I recommend making your own homemade formula milk — recipes are included in this article

The “breast versus bottle” debate has long divided concerned parents who only want the best nourishment for their child. Many parents who seek convenience often choose infant formula. Others, such as moms who cannot produce enough breast milk to satisfy their children, have no choice but to resort to formula milk.

He Helped Prosecute Israel At The ICJ, Now He’s Running For Parliament

"It was entirely the genocide in Gaza that made me run and particularly the labour party's attitude to it, the labour party having been captured by the zionist lobby. ...The failure of the democratic system, the fact that both parties [the uniparty] are united in strong zionist support for Israel meant there had to be a challenge." Said Craig Murray.
British journalist Richard Medhurst interviews former ambassador Craig Murray who is standing for election in Blackburn as a candidate for the Workers Party of Great Britain.