23 Jun 2024

Russia Just Made An OMINOUS Nuclear Warning To West + "Justin Trudeau Is FINISHED" Canadians Take To The Streets

Russia's OMINOUS Nuclear Warning
The West Had Better Pay Attention

Redacted: Vladimir Putin has just issued what can only be described as a chilling warning involving nuclear weapons, global world order, and NATO's continued provocation. Asia rolled out the red carpet for Putin this week... during his Asia tour, which included stops in North Korea and Vietnam, Putin dropped a bombshell—both metaphorically and potentially literally.

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans Are Going "Off Grid" In Anticipation Of What Is Coming

Our society is already in the process of collapsing all around us, and those that understand what is happening are getting prepared for what is coming...

Authored by Michael Snyder: As our society descends into chaos, vast numbers of people are choosing to pull the plug and walk away.  Of course it is nearly impossible to completely escape the ubiquitous madness that is seemingly all around us, but many are finding that an “off grid” lifestyle gives them the best opportunity to insulate themselves as much as possible.  When you become less dependent on the system, what happens to the system has less of an impact on you.  Unfortunately, it appears that our system is heading into a full-blown meltdown, and a significant portion of the population is feverishly making preparations in anticipation of what is coming.

According to Reuters, it has been estimated that there are now approximately 20 million “preppers” in the United States…

Brook Morgan surveyed booths at the “Survival & Prepper Show” in Colorado that were stocked with boxes of ammunition, mounds of trauma medical kits, and every type of knife imaginable.

A self-described “30-year-old lesbian from Indiana,” Morgan is one of a new breed of Americans getting ready to survive political upheaval and natural catastrophes, a pursuit that until recently was largely associated with far-right movements such as white nationalists since the 1980s.

Andrew Bridgen BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW - Fighting Corrupt Lame Stream Politics In Order To Actually Serve The People

MUST WATCH: "No good deed goes unpunished in the British parliament."

Resistance GB journalist Will Coleshill speaks in a special episode of The Resistance Podcast with Andrew Bridgen, MP for Northwest Leicestershire until the present election and now independent candidate.

DEFCON2: Daily Chaos Interviews Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Is a wider war for certain?

The Interview begins at the 8 minute mark

Daily Chaos

LEGO Produces 'Pride' Video With Drag Queens And Furries

Clearly aimed at children...

Authored by Steve Watson: Childrens toy company LEGO has released aPridevideo featuring drag queens and even furries in toy form.

Yes, they are furries, not just random bears taking part in a Pride parade. 

Who exactly is this aimed at?

How To Know You've Found The Right One?

Join the emotional brotherhood

Ask An Older Man

Common Sense & Memes Are Viruses To New World Order

'Certainly, wind power, or solar, or electric vehicles, for that matter, are not currently self-sustaining. Instead, these are now subsidized by false narratives, and tax-payer funds, all in the service of Anthropological Climate Change®, which is an epic lie.'

The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants. – Albert Camus

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. – C.S. Lewis

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. – Albert Einstein

Authored by Doug “Uncola” Lynn: If there is one thing that became perfectly clear during my time in the dump truck, it is this:  The world runs on diesel. So every time I see a semi hauling a wind turbine, the following considerations come to mind:  How many blades have been transported for how many windmills in how many areas?  How much petroleum, or coal, or nuclear power, was utilized in the construction of said blades?  How many gallons of diesel fuel were used to excavate the ground to run power lines from the rural areas where the wind turbines are located?

The Great Debate: Israel v Palestine

Candace Owens: I host comedians Ami Kozak and Dave Smith to discuss the Israel/Palestine debate.

UN Investigator Calls Racist Jewish Apartheid Regime 'Israel' Army The Most Criminal Army In The World

Janta Ka Reporter: A top UN investigator, Chris Sidoti, has stunned everyone by calling the Israeli army as ‘one of the most criminal armies in the world’. Sidoti made this observation while releasing the findings of his report on Israeli atrocities in Gaza. He was joined by Navi Pillay, the chair of that investigation.