20 Jun 2024

Katie Hopkins: We´re Now Watching The Collapse Of The Ukraine Narrative

"You are now watching the fall of the lie which was fed to you. Now please take down your Ukraine flags."

Russian Northern Fleet In Cuba - Armed With Unstoppable Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles - What Next USA?

teddolbi: Is it OK for Cuba, or Venezuela to Hit Targets Inside Wokeism Infected USA with unstoppable Russian Supplied Hypersonic nuclear Missiles?

UN Commission Of Inquiry: The Jews Are Responsible For War Crimes In Their Gaza Mega Concentration Camp

A United Nations Commission of Inquiry has found that the Jews ARE RESPONSIBLE for many War Crimes in Gaza.

By Hal Turner: Speaking in Geneva, Navi Pillay, chair of the UN-backed Commission reported:
Israel forcibly transferred almost the entire population into a small area that is unsafe and uninhabitable.
The deliberate use of heavy weapons with large destructive capacity in densely populated areas constitutes an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population.”

Pillay says the commission concluded that
specific forms of sexual and gender-based violence constitute part of the Jews operating procedures.
The daily onslaught in Gaza has largely overshadowed a parallel wave of violence in the Jews' West Bank mega concentration camp.
Since the Gaza genocide began in October more Palestinians have been killed by the Jewish Green Shirts or 'settlers' there than in any recorded period.
The violence, encouraged by the Jewish state, is due to both Israels generally militarized operations and asurge in settler violence.”

Making Dark Topics Funny

Sammy Obeid: Sometimes the crowd wants what they want. This was the improvised portion of my show that I did in Orlando. If you don't get some of the references, neither did I.

Aaron Cleary On Economics And Thomas Sowell


Just Stop Oil Attacks Stonehenge

m o d e r n i t y

Apple Explains How They Name Things

SAMTIME: Apple finally reveals how they name things.

Major BRICS Update: "The US Dollar Is On Borrowed Time"

"Sanctions on Russia, whether you agree with them or not has shown the rest of the world that if you hold USD as your reserve currency, you're not protected and you're not safe, in fact it's the opposite. Should you disagree with the US, or should the US disagree with you and your policy making, your reserves can be frozen and stolen at a moment's notice."

Taylor Kenney explores the latest developments within the BRICS bloc, highlighting more Countries interested in joining the coalition. With the BRICS bloc growing, it poses as a significant threat to the U.S. dollar's dominance, a concern echoed by the IMF's latest data. With emerging markets increasingly trading outside the dollar and central banks hoarding gold, the landscape of global economic power is rapidly shifting.

I Say Ban Porn, Cardi B Defends It

Candace Owens: I'm talking about the moon landing again, Morgan Freeman still doesn't like Black History Month, Cardi B defends porn, and it's Juneteenth! Celebrate me!

"Something Has Changed And Putin Is Preparing For FULL War With NATO" Says EX-CIA Agent

Redacted: Ex-CIA Agent Larry Johnson joins Redacted live to talk about Victor Orban's latest NATO warning. He says NATO is preparing for full war with Russia and building three new NATO bases to strategically provide weapons into Ukraine. Serbia's leader Vucic says war with Russia is only 3 months away.