Ex-US-Vizefinanzminister Paul Craig Roberts über den antiweißen Rassismus in den Vereinigten Staaten
English Translation:
Dr. Bernhard Tomaschitz, Zur Zeit Editor
1.) What impact does Critical Race Theory (CRT) have on the everyday life of average Americans. In Europe, reports keep surfacing that in some companies (white) employees have to attend CRT seminars?
PCR: Where Democrats control local school boards, children are taught CRT. The supposition is that white people are racist and that racism has to be eradicated at an early age through education, which is really a form of brainwashing or indoctrination. The same white school children who are beaten and robbed by their black schoolmates are taught that white people have done bad things to blacks and that white people need to learn tolerance of others. The point seems to be to make the white kids submissive to the black ones. If the paradox in the situation is noticed by the teachers, they don’t call attention to it.