3 Jul 2024

Something Astonishing Is Happening

"Don't care, still voting REFORM!"

Paul Joseph Watson

Christians ‘Buying Our Own Stolen Water’ In Bethlehem, West Bank Mega Concentration Camp

Summer always comes with a Jew-imposed water shortage for Christians in West Bank mega concentration camp. That's right, Bethlehem, the place where Jesus was born, where many Christians naturally live, has been turned into a mega concentration camp by white neo-Jews. Usually the evil Jews spit on the Christians, murder them, rape them and desecrate their churches. This year, it will be worse than usual.

By Fayha Shalash: During the past few weeks, the Jews decided to reduce the amount of water allocated to the cities of Hebron (Al-Khalil) and Bethlehem, in the Jews West Bank mega concentration camp, by about 35 percent, while increasing the Jewish land thieves aka settlers’ share of water resources.

The Israel regime Mekorot water company, which controls the amount of resources that reach Palestinians in the West Bank, officially informed the Hebron municipality of the new provision.

The decision has intensified the state of anxiety among the residents of the two concentration camp cities.

How Financial Surveillance Threatens Our Democracies: Pt. 1

"If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy." -Phil Zimmermann

Authored by Alexandre Stachtchenko: When they descended into coal mines, miners would take a caged canary with them.

The toxic gasses, notably carbon monoxide, that accumulate in these places and pose a deadly risk to miners, would kill the canaries before the miners.

This information made them aware of the danger, enabling them to evacuate before it was too late.

On May 14, 2024, Alexey Pertsev, a software developer who built an open-source tool to preserve online privacy, was found guilty of money laundering and sentenced to more than 5 years in prison by a Dutch court.

In the court's decision, the following can be read:

"The tool developed by the suspect and his co-authors combines maximum anonymity and optimal concealment techniques with a serious lack of identification functionalities. Therefore, the tool cannot be characterized as a legitimate tool that has been inadvertently used by criminals. By its nature and operation, the tool is specifically intended for criminals."

Seeking to preserve one's privacy is thus at worst proof of criminality, at best complicity in a crime. A threshold has been crossed.

Literally Hitler - Why Can't We Talk About Him? Evil Jews!

"Why can't we discuss Hitler ever?"

Candace Owens: Kyle Rittenhouse is apparently a bad person for not giving his family money, Paris Hilton testifies on Capitol Hill over the criminal treatment of kids in foster care, Newsweek runs a piece about how Taylor Swift is not a good role model, and today we also talk about Hitler.

Internet, Gates And Grub On The Jimmy Dore Show

Jimmy Dore: James joins Jimmy to discuss 9/11, internet censorship, Gates, the future of food and more.

World War 3: SHOCKING New Intelligence - Andrew Bridgen

"I've had some shocking news overnight from intelligence sources around the globe. We're being dragged further into escalating the war in Ukraine, our involvement. Biden's now officially authorised US military contractors to fight in Ukraine! Without the public ever being informed or asked about it, were being pushed, dragged, sleepwalking into a war with Russia. We're talking about a World War with a super power that's got nuclear weapons. This is insanity, we should be negotiating."

Resistance GB: Andrew Bridgen reveals he has been provided with intelligence indicating an imminent world war.

Tucker Carlson’s Message To Australians - Melbourne, Australia Full Speech

Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Melbourne, Australia, and delivers his message to Australians.

He's DESTROYING The Deep State Narrative And They're NOT HAPPY About It

Redacted: Ian Carroll joins Redacted for a deep dive conversation about the deep state agenda, social media censorship, and why the Game Stop story is so important.

France Is No Longer France

"Thanks to mass migration France is no longer France."

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