23 Aug 2024

They LIED To Us About Beyoncé. THIS. MEANS. WAR + Andrew Tate UNLEASHES On The Media

Candace Owens: RFK endorses Trump, zionists try to cancel my Australia tour, and Beyoncé doesn't make it to the DNC...

Oprah Is An Idiot

Paul Joseph Watson

"It's Not OK Any More": End Of Free Speech For The British

The crackdown includes those accused of misogynist views...

Authored by Jonathan Turley: The crackdown on free speech continues in the United Kingdom as officials use recent rioting to justify a roundup of citizens who they view as “pushing harmful and hateful beliefs.”

The government is ramping up arrests of those with “extremist ideologies” in the latest wave of arrests.

The crackdown includes those accused of misogynist views.

In my book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” I discuss how difficult it is to get a free people to give up freedoms. They have to be afraid, very afraid.

For that reason, governments tend to attack free speech during periods of public anger or fear.

That pattern is playing out, yet again, in the United Kingdom.

The recent anti-immigration riots have given officials a renewed opportunity to use anti-free speech laws to target those with opposing views.

For years, I have been writing about the decline of free speech in the United Kingdom and the steady stream of arrests.

A man was convicted for sending a tweet while drunk referring to dead soldiers.

Another was arrested for an anti-police t-shirt. 

Another was arrested for calling the Irish boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend a “leprechaun.” 

Yet another was arrested for singing “Kung Fu Fighting.”

Tangled Comparisons: Renewables Versus Fossil Fuels

When will the western world wake up and stop the bleeding?

Authored by Norman Rogers: We are often told that wind and solar, if not cheaper, are at least cost competitive with fossil fuels. Dead wrong! Wind or solar costs around five times more per megawatt hour compared to, for example, natural gas.

We are told that wind and solar will save us from a climate catastrophe. If there is a looming climate catastrophe, the only thing that will save us is nuclear power. Wind and solar are incredibly expensive methods of reducing CO2 emissions. The more wind and solar you build, the cost of removing CO2 increases disproportionately.

The U.S. has wasted $1.5 trillion on wind and solar and for that money only a little more than 10% of our electricity comes from wind and solar.

Fossil fuels are not dirty. Modern natural gas or coal plants are environmentally pristine. CO2 is not a pollutant, but an aerial plant food that is greening the Earth. CO2 makes plants grow faster with less water.

Wind or solar electricity is not worth what it costs to create it. It is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. That is a generally accepted economic principle.

If the government requires a utility to purchase some amount of electricity at some price, that is not a free market.  That is central planning.

Jew "Ukraine = Big Israel" Zelensky's Plan To Ban Ukrainian Christian Church Shows What A Complete Bastard He Is

The Jew Zelensky hates that a significant share of the Ukrainian population refuse to conform with thenegative nationalismthat hes aggressively enforced upon them since 2014...

Authored by Andrew Korybko: Kiev hates that a significant share of the population refuses to conform with the “negative nationalism” that they’ve aggressively enforced upon them since 2014 by continuing to worship at the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches’ sites instead of the government-backed Orthodox Church of Ukraine’s.

The Rada passed a law earlier this week for banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) by the middle of next year if it doesn’t sever all ties with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Kiev has accused the UOC of being under the ROC’s sway even though the UOC declared full autonomy from the ROC in early 2022. The authorities envisage replacing the UOC with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) that was controversially recognized as autocephalous by the Ecumenical Patriarchy in 2019. 

Readers can learn more about this complicated subject in RT’s detailed article from last August about “The Last Crusade: How the conflict between Russia and the West has fueled a major split in the Orthodox Christian Church” [CENSORED FROM PUBLIC CONSUMPTION BY THE ORWELLIAN BRITISH GOVERNMENT]. All that’s sufficient for average folks to know though is that the OCU is part of post-2014 Ukraine’s Western-backed efforts to craft an anti-Russian national identity, which includes restricting Russian-language rights and arbitrarily persecuting those who still speak it in public.

Col Douglas Macgregor - Ukraine BufferZone In Kursk - Disaster Awaits

Daniel Davis: Ukraine's military has not confirmed the loss of Niu-York, saying only that Russian forces are attacking close to the town and other areas. The army was giving the attacks "a worthy rebuff... and the fighting continues", it said. - Although only a small settlement, controlling Niu-York would represent another step towards the two Donetsk hubs of Toretsk and Pokrovsk.

The Acolyte Is CANCELED And That's A Good Thing
