31 Jul 2024

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Jews Have Turbocharged West Bank Housing Demolitions Of Christians' & Muslims' Homes Under The Cover Of Genocide

The Jews' Israel regime is using the Genocide of Christians and Muslims in Gaza to distract from its accelerated drive for full annexation of Christians' and Muslims' lands in West Bank

By Katherine Hearst in London and Lubna Masarwa in Jerusalem: On June 25, at 8.30 in the morning, around 20 masked Jews appeared at Tamir Abu Eisheh’s door, informing him that his home in the hills north of the occupied West Bank city of Hebron was about to be demolished.

The Jews stripped the family of their phones and threw their furniture into the street. They did not even have the time to gather their belongings before bulldozers set to work, razing their home to the ground.

“His daughters came to me crying in the morning, barefoot in their pajamas, and asked me to come because they are destroying their home,” Tamir’s brother, Nadir Abu Eisheh, told Middle East Eye. Nadir arrived to find his baby nephew’s mattress cast into the street.

“Usually they give families at least 20 days to evacuate,” Nadir told MEE. This time, Tamir Abu Eisheh’s family had no warning.

The Jews' Israel regime has long wielded housing demolitions as a means to displace the occupied West Bank’s Christian and Muslim population.

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The Olympics Are A Trial-Run For A 1984-Style Digital-State!

First-person report of QR Codes, Digital IDs, and police militarization of Paris...

Authored by Aaron Hertzberg: This is a guest post from a friend who is on the ground in Paris reporting what the situation is like.

The best way to begin might be to say that there are three distinct categories of Olympic games sites that the City of Paris wants to make ultra-safe for visitors and athletes, each with its own unique security challenges.

First, there are the many official, already-existing sporting venues (stadiums, arenas, tennis courts, aquatic centers, etc.) located throughout Paris and France. These require the least amount of novel security measures, whether in the form of protective perimeters or the (unusual) methods used to maintain them. 

Included among these is the historic Grand Palais, an architectural jewel from 1900 located at the foot of the Champs-Elysées. A monumentally massive building with a marvelously versatile interior space, it regularly plays host to museum exhibitions of all types, in addition to galas, elaborate fashion shows, concerts, conventions, and even an ice-skating rink. Turning it into an Olympic sporting event site wouldn’t have been very difficult. 

Second, and complementing these dedicated sporting facilities, are several famous outdoor public monuments and historic landmarks that have been transformed into temporary games sites.