11 Aug 2024

London Calling: Police Chief Threatens To Arrest People Around The World For Online Speech

The message is chilling because free speech has been in a free fall in the United Kingdom as well as other Western countries...

Authored by Jonathan Turley: In its hit song London Calling the Clash warns:

London calling to the faraway towns

Now that war is declared and battle come down

London calling to the underworld

Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls

According to a new report, the British punk rock band may have been prophetic in 1979 in a way never foreseen in its apocalyptic lyrics This week, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley said that the police will not necessarily confine its arrests for speech crimes to London or even the United Kingdom. Rowley suggests that Americans and other citizens could be extradited and brought to London for online postings.

London has been hit with days of violent protests over immigration policies, including attacks and arson directed at immigration centers. This violence has been fueled by false reports spread online about the person responsible for an attack at a Taylor Swift-themed dance event that left three girls dead and others wounded. Despite false claims about his being an asylum seeker, the culprit was an 18-year-old son of Rwandan migrants.

ICMI24: Gerry Alexander - "Feminism’s Role In Population Control" + John Deighan - "Abortion Is A Men's Issue"

"Move along, move along, nothing to see here!"

Justice for Men & Boys

New Covid Study Changes EVERYTHING We've Been Told + NATO Will Now Enforce LOCKDOWNS & VACCINE Mandates?

Redacted: A new study shows something that we already knew: that Covid deaths were over-reported during the pandemic and that the Covid vaccine did not have any apparent benefit in slowing or stopping the pandemic. The authors studied 125 countries and their vaccination programs and and found "no systematic or statistically significant trends showing that vaccination campaigns in 2020 and 2021 reduced all-cause mortality."

Jews Massacre Gentile School Because They Can + Western Media Buries Jews' Sickening Abuse Of Palestinians

Owen Jones

Biologist Richard Dawkins Says Facebook Nuked Account After Posting That Male Boxers Shouldn't Fight Women

Of course my opinion is open to civilised argument. But outright censorship?

By Tyler Durden: Facebook has nuked the account of famed evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins after he said that genetically male boxers should not be allowed to fight women in the Olympics.

On Saturday morning, Dawkins posted on X about the shocking censorship - saying that there was no reason given for the sudden removal of his account.

"My entire @facebook account has been deleted, seemingly (no reason given) because I tweeted that genetically male boxers such as Imane Khalif (XY undisputed) should not fight women in Olympics. Of course  my opinion is open to civilised argument. But outright censorship?"

[Dawkins presumably meant that he posted it on Facebook, not "tweeted."]

Social media exploded in controversy following a women's Olympic boxing match between Italy's Angela Carini and Imane Khelif of Algeria - in which Carini quit just 46 seconds into the fight after receiving a barrage of powerful punches from Khelif.

The Riots In Britain Represent The Total Failure Of Britain’s Governing Class

The real cause of the unrest is mass immigration imposed on Britain against the wishes of the native population.

By John Daniel Davidson: The rioting in Britain is what happens when a country’s political class tries to depoliticize mass immigration — smearing anyone who objects to it as “far-right” — and then imposes a policy of mass immigration by force. At some point, the people revolt.

Britain’s liberal elites have latched onto online misinformation and racism from the far-right as an explanation for the riots. But the real explanation is that Britain’s leaders have sold their countrymen out for decades, importing an unassimilated foreign population against the wishes of native Britons. That is a recipe for social unrest, civic strife, and ethnic conflict, which is exactly what Britain’s ruling class has brought about.

Set aside the triggering incident — in this case, a horrifying knife attack that left three little girls dead in Southport, a town in northwest England. It doesn’t matter that the accused attacker, 17-year-old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, is neither a Muslim nor an immigrant, but merely the son of Rwandan immigrants. What matters is that this attack was the latest in a long string of attacks by non-native Britons against the native population, and that it occurred in the context of ongoing mass immigration. The riots have been labeled “anti-Muslim” and “far-right” by the government and the corporate press, but they are really anti-immigration, and not at all restricted to the far-right. Demonstrators have been quite clear about this, chanting “stop the boats” and “we want our country back.” Those are reasonable sentiments for ordinary citizens to express about their homeland, whatever Britain’s ruling elite might say.

The Untold Story Of "Standing Girls" In Japan And What Western Women Can Learn From It

Ask An Older Man

The BBC Is Lying: Olympic Boxer Is NOT A Woman - Dr. Emma Hilton

AG: Developmental biologist Dr. Emma Hilton is one of the foremost experts in sex - and she is shocked by the mainstream narrative around gender and the bizarre case of Imane Khelif, the Olympic boxer.

"Quiet Skies", A Secret US TSA Program, Surveils Ordinary Americans Not On Terror Watchlist

Shines a new light on some events in Jim Carrey's movie 'Yes Man'.

The Boston Globe: A Globe investigation into a secret government program, called “Quiet Skies”, reveals that the Transportation Security Administration is putting air marshals on planes to surveil thousands of ordinary Americans.

democracynow: A Boston Globe investigation has revealed the existence of a domestic surveillance program run by the Transportation Security Administration, or TSA, which has been shadowing U.S. citizens on planes and in airports since 2012. Under the program, called “Quiet Skies,” federal air marshals collect information about U.S. travelers, including common behavior like using the bathroom repeatedly, sleeping on flights or sweating heavily. In the wake of the Globe investigation, TSA officials have bowed to pressure from Congress and plan to meet with the House and Senate Homeland Security Committees. We speak with Jana Winter, the Boston Globe Spotlight fellow who broke the story. Her investigation is headlined “Welcome to the Quiet Skies.”