1 Aug 2024

"This Is Unjust!" A Man Just Destroyed A Woman In The French Olympics, Because Of Wokeism & LGBTQ...

"What will it take to end this insanity? A female boxer left with life-altering injuries? A female boxer killed?"

By Tyler Durden: Feminists are once again silent after a female boxer was destroyed in 46 seconds by a 'biological male' in an Olympic matchup.

After just 46 seconds and two massive shots to the head, Italy's Angela Carini threw her helmet onto the mat and abandoned the bout against Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, shouting "This is unjust!"

The 25-year-old Carini, and Italian police officer, refused to shake hands with Khelif - who was previously banned from the 2023 world championships by the International Boxing Association after failing tests to establish gender qualification.

After the Olympic match was stopped, the referee raised Khelif's hand in the air, while a visibly furious Carini yanked her hand away from the official and stormed off, the Daily Mail reports. She then dropped to her knees and burst into tears, saying she had never felt such strong blows in a match.

The Economic Situation Of The West

'The absence of vision means a bleak future...'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Once upon a time America had a capitalist economy. Bank deposits were used for loans that expanded productive ability. America produced its own goods and grew its own food. America’s currency was backed by gold and inflation was nonexistent. New technology brought into play by new investment improved the productivity of labor, and living standards rose. Profits were plowed back into improved methods and expanded production.

Governments subsidized social infrastructure and education. This lowered the cost of transportation and, thereby, the cost of production and prices, and it provided industry and manufacturing with an educated work force. As an instate resident, my annual tuition at Georgia Tech came to about $450.

This highly successful way of running an economy was replaced by an entirely different economy, the one we have today. Who is responsible and how it came about is a story that can be told later but not in this column.

In the current economy bank loans are not made to finance new investment in new plant and equipment. They are made in order to finance the purchase of existing assets. Loans are made to purchase existing companies, load them up with debt, and sell off their assets. Loans are made to finance a buyback of a company’s own stock, thus raising the stock price and resulting in executive and board “performance” bonuses. Loans are made to finance real estate purchases and thereby drive up the values of real estate, thus raising the cost of housing.

The new economy is financialized. It lives off of interest on debt and fees, the plunder of public assets via privatization, and exploitation of third world economies via dollar-based bank loans that can only be repaid by the indebted country selling its public assets to its American creditors, usually at rock bottom prices.

Delusional Woke People Are Owned + Boxing: Man Destroys Woman In 2024 Paris Olympics? Because LGBTQ...

The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts

The Gaza Holocaust

Corbett: As we approach the ten month mark of the Jews' slaughter of Christians, Muslims and Atheists in Gaza, it’s time to peel back the layers of deception surrounding October 7th, the Israeli response, and the true meaning of this conflict. We must call things by their right name. The Gaza holocaust must end.

The Stench Of Evil

'The Zionist project per se is evil. To steal another peoples land and subject them to long and progressive genocide is about as evil a deed as can be imagined.'

By Craig Murray: I have frequently explained that when I sat in the International Court of Justice and heard Israel’s lawyers tell lie after lie to justify or excuse the Gaza genocide, I could feel I was palpably in the presence of evil.

At least in the Hague you could also feel and indeed observe that most people in the courtroom – including the majority of the judges – were repulsed by the evil.

Yesterday that same evil, and the same lies, was manifested in the US Congress by Netanyahu, to an audience which glorified, reflected and amplified that evil.

Let us not forget that the large majority of citizens of the world, including majorities in many Western countries with pro-genocide leadership classes, are indeed repulsed by and reject the genocide.

The United States has now, openly and before the entire world, endorsed its genocidal imperialist project and rejected both the very notion of international law and the institutions which a more idealistic American generation worked so hard to create – the United Nations and the International Court of Justice.

Netanyahu’s slanderous attacks on the institutions of international law were applauded to the rafters by America’s political leaders. The whole world was watching, and took note.

A Colour Revolution For Venezuela...And Kamala

Candace Owens: Kamala Harris is black again and trouble in Venezuela.

WEF Memo Reveals Plan To Depopulate The World Of 1 Billion White People By 2030

TPV: The World Economic Forum in Davos has ordered global authorities to radically reduce the number of white people in the world by 2030.

If you thought the Great Replacement was nothing more than a conspiracy theory, you might want to think again.

According to a WEF report, white people are responsible for the vast majority of the world’s problems including climate change and colonialism, and in the interests of an equitable future for the globe, the number of white people must be reduced as a priority.

The WEF has enlisted the United Nations to help with the plan and the results are already playing out before our eyes.

Britain Is In REAL TROUBLE - This Is The Clearest Sign Yet

Russell Brand