15 Sept 2024

Brain-Rinsed Woke Morons Plot Destroy Western Economies

The woke position rests on a fundamental fallacy...

Authored by Llewellyn Rockwell: “Woke” people claim that they want to wake up racial and sexual minorities to the way they are being discriminated against. Because of past and present exploitation, blacks and other “protected” groups are not getting what rightfully belongs to them. The solution to this is that the better off, especially if they are white, should have their wealth and income seized and given to those they are exploiting.

The woke position rests on a fundamental fallacy. This is that there is a fixed amount resources, so that if the rich have more, the poor have less. But this is wrong. Resources in the free market are not a fixed sum. So long as the economy is growing, everybody can benefit. The ‘protected’ can do better without taking away what the rich have earned. The economist Paul Rubin, who died last month, gives a good account of the fallacy:

“Karl Marx called his system ‘scientific socialism’ Modern leftists advocate a similar ideology and call themselves ‘woke’ to indicate that they understand the world better than the rest of us. Yet the worldview of Marxists and woke leftists alike is fundamentally primitive.

Sopranos Star Refused Covid Jab & Paid The Price! - With Drea De Matteo

Jimmy Dore: When the COVID-19 vaccine became widely available, Hollywood instituted an industry-wide mandate that anyone involved in production would have to get the jab. Former Sopranos actress Drea de Matteo refused, however, causing great damage to her reputation, social life and job prospects. De Matteo explains to Jimmy precisely why she made the decision she did and what happened to her in Hollywood as a result.

Breaking: Russian Foreign Ministry Announcement

The Russian Foreign Ministry has responded to revelations the United States is seeking to deploy nuclear weapons in Japan.

"We plan to launch a comprehensive military intervention if American missiles are deployed in Japan." - Russian Foreign Ministry

Shock Move By Palestine At UN Puts Israel In BIG TROUBLE!

KernowDamo: Palestine have wasted no time at all making the most of their new found rights at the UN and Israel now face a BIG shock!

Right, so Palestine have, as has been quite widely reported now taken a seat at the United Nations General Assembly, not as an observer state seated elsewhere, but seated amongst the other nations, which is a big step forward towards permanent member status as it absolutely should have, but which to all intents and purposes is being blocked by the United States, who of course in turn set the foreign policy of a lot of other nations besides, but that isn’t the big surprise for Israel, despite their disgust at this turn of events.

While the State of Palestine does not have permanent member status as yet and therefore cannot cast a vote on motions still, it does have new rights and privileges and one of those is that they can now present draft resolutions to the General Assembly, this is something they have now done already and unlike the news of their seat at the UNGA, it’s gone appallingly underreported too and you can probably imagine why because it is THAT that is going to be giving Israel and Netanyahu’s awful hard right coalition government a massive throbbing headache.

Richard Medhurst UN Speech In Geneva On Palestine & The UK's Crackdown On Free Speech

"The bed is a raised slab of concrete in a piss stinking cell video surveilled 24/7.
This is the UK in 2024!"
Richard Medhurst

Florida USA Surgeon General Advises AGAINST COVID mRNA Booster!

Jimmy Dore with Drea de Matteo

Americans Can't Hide From Nuclear War, Moscow Warns As West Mulls Escalation

Ambassador Antonov: "Americans will not be able to sit it out behind the waters of this ocean. This war will affect everyone."

By Tyler Durden: The Kremlin has issued yet more warnings following reports that the Biden administration could soon greenlight long-range attacks by Kiev forces on Russian territory using US-supplied arms.

Both the UK and Canada are on board, we reported earlier, and British Prime Minister Ken Starmer is visiting Washington where he's directly lobbying Biden to jump on board and grant Zelensky's urgent request to lift all restrictions on Western weaponry.

However, The New York Times suggests that saner minds are prevailing at this point. "President Biden’s deliberations with Prime Minister Keir Starmer of Britain about whether to allow Ukraine to attack Russia with long-range Western weapons were fresh evidence that the president remains deeply fearful of setting off a dangerous, wider conflict," the publication writes.

Let's hope this is the case, given this is arguably the most dangerous moment and decision-point of the war to date. Pentagon leadership has recently stressed that granting the permission for long-range strikes will do little strategically to change the battlefield, where Russian momentum has continually gained in eastern Ukraine.

Jews Rape, Torture And Murder: Inside The Jews' Concentration Camps

The prison system is one of the most violent and oppressive state mechanisms that the Jews' Israel regime uses to uphold Jewish supremacy between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea,”

Palestinians released from Israeli detentions are taken for medical examination at al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital in Deir al-Balah on 17 July 2024. Ali Hamad APA images
By Tamara Nassar: When the Jews rioted in July in support of 10 soldiers accused of gang-raping a Palestinian prisoner, there was disgust and shock around the world.

But the horrifying sexual attack was far from an aberration.

Firsthand testimonies reveal that Jews are systematically inflicting rape and other forms of sexual violence, torture and cruel abuse on thousands of Palestinians held in a network of prison camps.

While the Jews' Israel regime has perpetrated these kinds of attacks on Palestinians in its prisons for decades, they have increased dramatically in quantity and intensity since 7 October, amid an atmosphere of state-sanctioned and directed revenge.

B’Tselem is aware of at least 60 Palestinians deaths in Israel detention since 7 October, though the figure could be higher.

And while Israel’s claims of rapes and sexual assaults by Palestinians on 7 October lack even a single identified victim or firsthand testimony, any forensic evidence or credible eyewitnesses, the rapes and other sexual attacks on Palestinians are documented with a large and growing body of horrifying and consistent victim accounts and witness statements.