8 Sept 2024

Tucker Carlson And Russell Brand On RFK Jr.'s Fight Against Big Pharma And The Elites

Tucker Carlson

Jewish Israel Regime Accused Of Committing A SHOCKING NEW War Crime!

KernowDamo: Investigation by Amnesty International has exposed a shocking new war cime in Gaza happening under everyone's noses. Right, so if you’d been thinking that Israel surely must have run out of war crimes to commit by now after 11 months of razing Gaza to the ground, you might be surprised to learn that they now stand accused of an all new one, although it does actually relate to razing Gaza to the ground, because it’s how they’ve been doing that, where they’ve been doing that in particular that has exposed them.

Forget the excuses to be destroying structures in Gaza from housing, to hospitals to churches and mosques to schools because these buildings are being used as Hamas weapons caches and bases, that excuse, which has worn tediously thin by now has been blown apart, because this hasn’t been random destruction in the name of eliminating Hamas, what they’ve done instead is indulge in wanton destruction in Gaza and there has been a specific pattern to it.

The Truth About The Tenet Media Scandal + It's Catching On Like Wildfire

Paul Joseph Watson

"Jew Soros Is FULLY Controlling Ukraine And Jew Zelensky Is Finished"

Ukraine aka "Big Israel" is trying to sell its weapons to other countries!


Does The Ruling Elite Have An Extermination List? + Self-Hating Whites + Who Is On the Enemies List?

Who in your opinions are some of those too inconvenient for the Ruling Elite to be left at large?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Look at the size of Tucker Carlson’s audience. It exceeds that of all Demorat politicians combined. https://x.com/JackPosobiec/status/1831526486584541421

Tucker is dangerous to the American gestapo establishment. That is why he and Elon Musk head my list of Americans who are likely to quietly disappear once the Kamala regime has been placed in power. Truth-tellers are dangerous to a tyranny. They will be picked up and disappeared, and there will be no news reports. Suddenly, they won’t be there.

A fantasy? Perhaps, but it is as likely as not. They just tried to kill Trump, a story that lasted only three weeks before ending in the Memory Hole.

A list of Americans who the ruling establishment finds inconvenient:

The Soul Of Europe Is Awakening

Richard The Fourth: After years of liberalism decaying the heart of Europe, we can see many folks entering a stage of confusion, questioning who they are and what they want for Europe, this is a chance to reacquaint ourselves with the vitality of our ancient tradition.

Trump Says Evil Colonialist Anti-Christian Apartheid Regime Israel Is NOT POWERFUL ENOUGH!

Jimmy Dore: While addressing a group of ardent Israel regime supporters, Donald Trump made the decidedly surprising assertion that Israel and its US-based lobbying wing AIPAC do not wield sufficient power over American politics. 15 years ago the lobby was much stronger, Trump said, and any deviation from a staunchly pro-Israel position by an American politician would have ended their career. Trump announced without any sense of comedic intent, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sounds like a Palestinian.

Jimmy and Kurt Metzger discuss Trump’s apparent feeling that Israel should hold greater sway over American foreign policy.

How Israel Spies On The United States