7 Sept 2024

The Silent Crisis: Understanding Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Its Impact On Our Health

Drugs from antibiotics to pain relievers have been shown to disrupt mitochondrial function...

Authored by JP Errico: Last Thursday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. withdrew (kind of) from the 2024 presidential race.  He didn’t have to, and in the case of 40 out of 50 states, he actually didn’t.  But, he also didn’t have to endorse Donald J. Trump, and yet he did.  As I waited for his press conference, I wondered: What could drive a lion of Democratic party royalty to side with Trump?  The answer turned out to be a trio of existential crises.  As RFK Jr. explained, he and Trump are aligned on three critical issues, and they are of such existential importance that he was willing to set aside their differences to work together.

Beyond being a refreshing break from the mind-numbing drumbeat of Trump’s opposition, RFK Jr.’s remarks were a stark reminder of why two-thirds of Americans believe the country is moving down the wrong track. He first took aim at the military-industrial complex’s perpetual provoking of foreign wars and followed up with the alarming assault on free speech.  These were, however, just the warmup acts for his primary grievance: the moral and legal corruption of the food and pharmaceutical industries, assisted by their captured agencies, e.g., the FDA and USDA.

RFK Jr. cited horrifying statistics and catastrophic trends, highlighting the surge in chronic diseases, cancer, neurodevelopmental disorders, metabolic syndrome, and Alzheimer’s disease.  He then laid the blame squarely at the feet of Big Sugar, Big Ag, Big Pharma, and the cabal of government sycophants who do the bidding of their corporate sugar daddies (pun intended).  Sprinkled among the sickening stats, he made multiple references to mitochondrial dysfunction, a term many may not fully understand.  If we are going to forcibly reconstruct several industries, along with their regulatory agencies, over this medical crisis, we’d do well to understand what it is we’re battling.  So, what exactly is mitochondrial dysfunction, and why is it being blamed for such a wide range of health issues?

Woman Hits Man Then INSTANTLY Regrets It

The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts

MSM Tells Only Part Of The Story, Highlights 'Record Number Of Deaths' From 'Climate Change'

Indoctrination is a dangerous thing...

Authored by Jack Hellner: The Hill recently ran an article by Zack Budryk, which highlighted the “record number of Americans killed by heat” last year; here’s what he had to say:

Extreme heat killed more Americans in 2023 than any other year over nearly a quarter century of records, according to research published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

At least 2,325 people died from the heat last year, according to the study, which included deaths with heat as both an underlying and contributing factor.

If you didn’t already figure it out, this piece was on “climate change,” and its purpose, like most pieces on climate change, is to get people to capitulate to the radical green agenda. Why don’t journalists ever report on the number of people killed each year by extreme cold, which is much higher than heat deaths?

The answer is that facts don’t matter when the media and other Democrats are trying to force people to surrender to their agenda.

This reminds me how the media, CDC, Anthony Fauci, and others in power got large swathes of the public to capitulate to government edicts on COVID, which destroyed so many kids and small businesses. Instead of just reporting deaths actually caused by COVID, they goosed the numbers by including comorbidity deaths from cancer, strokes, heart attacks, obesity, and many other ailments if the deceased happened to also be infected with COVID at the time of death, or if healthcare workers thought their cold symptoms simply looked like COVID.

Father Of Suspected US Shooter Charged - Is This Fair?

Candace Owens: The father of the alleged school shooter in Georgia is charged, Youtube deletes Lauren Chen's channels, and Telegram founder Pavel Durov breaks his silence following his arrest.



Children Of Big Brother: What It Means To Go Back-To-School In The American Police State

'Instead of being taught the three Rs of education (reading, writing and arithmetic), young people are being drilled in the three Is of life in the American police state: indoctrination, intimidation and intolerance...'

“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.” - Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes

Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead: It’s not easy being a child in the American police state.

Danger lurks around every corner and comes at you from every direction, especially when Big Brother is involved.

Out on the streets, you’ve got the menace posed by police officers who shoot first and ask questions later. In your neighborhoods, you’ve got to worry about the Nanny State and its network of busybodies turning parents in for allowing their children to walk to school alone, walk to the park alone, play at the beach alone, or even play in their own yard alone.

Our Teachers Have Been Lying To Us All Along - History Is A Big Fat Leftist Lie

"Lies my liberal teacher told me."


Japan Warns COVID Vaccines Causing Global Population Collapse

"Unfortunately for the sheeple the days of being able to put their heads in the sand and pretend everything is OK are officially over."

TPV: Japan has issued a dire warning about the mRNA vaccines that were administered globally in late 2020 and declared “safe and effective.” According to Japanese scientists, these vaccines are safely reducing the global population and effectively collapsing populations.

The scientists, among the most respected in the world, also allege that international organizations such as the UN, along with multiple world governments, are involved in a massive cover-up to hide the full extent of this catastrophic loss of life.

According to the scientists, over one billion people have already perished, with many more deaths expected to follow.

Japan’s findings are redefining our understanding of the global depopulation crisis and highlighting the urgent need to hold those responsible for crimes against humanity accountable.