26 May 2024

Idi Amin - Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada AI Reconstruction

Time Unveiled: This is a remake of a speech by Idi Amin at the UN the 1st of October 1975. It has been recreated using transcripts from that event using AI tools.

Richard Medhurst Destroys Zionism In Its Birthplace Vienna

"The media in Europe are a bunch of disgusting cowards!"

Richard Medhurst: "Palestinians did not send Jews to the gas chambers, Palestinians did not put Jews in camps, Why are you making them pay for your crimes?"

I spoke today in Vienna, where Zionism and modern antisemitism were born, about Palestine, and European hypocrisy.

Member Of British Parliament: "We Are Already At War With Russia; They Won't Tell The People Until July Or August"

By Hal Turner: VIDEO BELOW shows British MP Andrew Bridgen confirming on a radio show today: "We are actually at war with Russia now... They're not going to tell the people probably until July or August; maybe later." "The whole thing's a pantomime in Parliament... It's not a race between the blue and the red team to see who crosses the finish line. This is a baton handover on all the big issues: Net Zero, Covid response, the WHO, the trans agenda." Watch this.

HERE WE GO AGAIN! New COVID Variant Is Being Pushed By Governments As A Reason To Get Gene Therapy VAXXED

"Real world data shows that every covid shot you get makes you more likely to get covid!"

Redacted: A new strain of Covid is called the FLiRT variant. It feels like they’re messing with us with that nomenclature. Is it more contagious? No. Is it more dangerous? They don't think so. Do they still want you to get a vaccine? Yes. Do they have data to show that this is an efficacious thing to do? No.

Politicians Have Blood On Their Hands & They Don't Know It


The Slow-Motion Execution Of Julian Assange Continues

The ruling by the High Court in London permitting Julian Assange to appeal his extradition order leaves him languishing in precarious health in a high-security prison. That is the point...

Authored by Chris Hedges: The decision by the High Court in London to grant Julian Assange the right to appeal the order to extradite him to the United States may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory. It does not mean Julian will elude extradition. It does not mean the court has ruled, as it should, that he is a journalist whose only “crime” was providing evidence of war crimes and lies by the U.S. government to the public. It does not mean he will be released from the high-security HMS Belmarsh prison where, as Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, after visiting Julian there, said he was undergoing a “slow-motion execution.”

It does not mean that journalism is any less imperiled. Editors and publishers of  five international media outlets —– The New York Times, the Guardian, Le Monde, El Pais and DER SPIEGEL —– which published stories based on documents released by WikiLeaks, have urged that the U.S. charges be dropped and Julian be released. None of these media executives were charged with espionage. It does not dismiss the ludicrous ploy by the U.S. government to extradite an Australian citizen whose publication is not based in the U.S. and charge him under the Espionage Act. It continues the long Dickensian farce that mocks the most basic concepts of due process.

China State TV Declares "WILL TAKE TAIWAN IN EARLY JUNE" + Taiwan Surrounded By China's Navy

Chinese State TV declared today that China will reclaim Taiwan, likely in early June. It has begun preparing the Chinese public for coming war and possible political sanctions and isolation!!

By Hal Turner: According to Chinese defense ministry sources, the Chinese army will launch an attack on Taiwan in early June.


China also publicly warned the United States to end all visits to Taiwan and adhere to the One-China policy, or be ready to face the consequences.

No response from the U.S. or anyone else -- yet.


Two days ago, the people of Taiwan awoke to find their island surrounded by China warships, as reported on this website.