9 Jul 2024

Keir Starmer Exposed On Gaza Within Hours Of Becoming UK Prime Minister - UN & WHO Officials Report On Site In Gaza

"Jewish terrorists disguised as army."

Janta Ka Reporter: British PM Keir Starmer, who has often faced criticism for his party’s stance on Gaza, has finally exposed himself on the raging issue. It took just a few hours since becoming the PM for him to expose himself.

Rifat Jawaid digs up evidence to nail the newly elected prime minister for his fake image as a human rights lawyer.

MUST WATCH - The Zionist Movement In Britain: David Miller And Vanessa Beeley

MUST WATCH UK Column dot org interview.

'The BBC Was A POLITICAL Actor!' Nigel Farage BLASTS Election BIAS And Establishment DIRTY TRICKS

GBNews: Nigel Farage has hit out at the BBC.

Afshin Rattansi & Millie Pinch: Israel’s Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu Trial, NATO Summit, Gaza, Ukraine, Population


"Israel KILLED Most Of The Jews On Oct. 7th, NOT HAMAS" + BRICS Just Scored A KNOCKOUT Blow To The US Dollar

"The automobiles that were destroyed were not destroyed by Hamas, those were destroyed by the Israel airforce. In one report by a Jewish survivor, there were 14 Jewish hostages in a house and the Jewish commander fired on that house and killed 13 of the 14 including babies. Israel was very quick to say that Hamas were raping women, beheading children, baking children in the ovens, just like those World War 2 holohoax memes they were complete lies, complete fabrications.

Whether the west wants to accept reality or not, Hamas conducted a professional military raid, very effective at attacking and killing Jewish soldiers and going after Jewish reservists and also tried to grab as many civilians and military personnel as they could to have bargaining leverage, because Israel's been grabbing people off the street and locking them up as well, with no trial, with no charges, nothing."

The Jews Laughed After Shooting Me, Says Young Survivor Of 8 June Massacre

'More than 270 Palestinians were killed in the 8 June attack on Nuseirat.' While the Jews laughed

By Fedaa al-Qedra: Momen is a 16-year-old boy struggling to cope with the physical and psychological pain inflicted on him one month ago.

His family had lived in al-Zahra, central Gaza, but fled that area when it had come under attack at an earlier stage of the current genocidal war. They went to stay with Momen’s grandfather in Nuseirat refugee camp.

On 8 June, Momen was with his grandfather in a family-run supermarket when they heard the sound of explosions. A rapid decision was taken to close down the shop and head for his grandfather’s home in the hope that it would be safer there.

About 30 minutes later, they realized that the Israelis were nearing his grandfather’s house in tanks. His grandfather locked the house and told the 15 or so people inside it to gather in one room.

Soon afterwards, Jewish soldiers broke down the door of the house and began firing everywhere.

Keir Zio-Shill Starmer's Plans To Push WEF Agenda! + Labour Business Secretary INSULTS 4 MILLION VOTERS On BBC

Reasoned: Keir Starmer is so obsessed with the WEF that he copies the leaders' speech lines almost word for word. Britain needs a 'reset', he said in his first speech in Downing Street, which is strangely similar to Schwab's words pushing the WEF's agenda. Keir Starmer is so obsessed with the WEF that he says he prefers Davos to Westminster. With Keir Starmer cosying up to the WEF, and David Lammy cosying up to the EU, is Britain doomed? Are we destined to get closer and closer to undemocratic international bodies under Labour? Could we even rejoin the EU under David Lammy? They scrapped Rwanda overnight; maybe they'll scrap Brexit overnight... Chloe Dobbs reacts.

ANTI-WOKE Comedians WRECK Woke & Cancel Culture In EPIC Comedy Show

Freedom Frontline: Watch as anti-woke comedians like Ricky Gervais and Rob Schneider take on woke culture and bring the laughs back to America. Don't miss out on these hilarious comedy stand-up shows!

Super Cool Christian & Muslim Gaza Resistance Fighters PUNISH The Evil White Neo-Jews' Tanks And Helicopters

"The Palestinians are fighting a fascist occupation on their land and they're doing it in very much the same way as the heroes of 'The Great Escape' with next to nothing. ...They use the Jews' duds against them, they make their own home made kick ass weapons." Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, James Garner, Richard Attenborough, James Coburn and co. eat your heart out! The Christian and Muslim Palestinian Freedom Fighters are the real deal, the world's greatest heroes of the moment every last one of them and the Jews make their own bullshit war propaganda movie depictions of the German SS look like cuddly teddy bears by comparison with how evil the mountains of video evidence proves the white Neo-Jews are in real life.
Richard Medhurst

The Paradox Of Modern Women: Having It All But Still Unhappy, What More Do They Want?

Ask An Older Man

Is Diddy A Fed Asset?

"It's pretty obvious there's some sort of a gang operating in Hollywood and the lame stream media covering it up are part and parcel of that gang."

Candace Owens: Andrew & Tristan Tate are free to leave Romania, weirdos get upset at Olivia Culpo's classy wedding dress, and is P Diddy a Fed?