12 Sept 2024



Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across The Entire EU

For the first time in EU history, Germany is at the forefront of immigration suspension. Other EU countries will follow...

By Mish Shedlock: For the first time in EU history, Germany is at the forefront of immigration suspension. Other EU countries will follow.

Image notes, I created the image using Grok, then modified the image in Photoshop to add German text, hopefully contextually accurate.

Schengen Zone

The Schengen Area (English: /ˈʃɛŋən/ SHENG-ən, Luxembourgish: [ˈʃæŋən]) is an area encompassing 29 European countries that have officially abolished border controls at their mutual borders.

Immigration Crackdown

Reuters reports Germany Tightens Controls at All Borders in Immigration Crackdown.

Germany’s government announced plans to impose tighter controls at all of the country’s land borders in what it called an attempt to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from threats such as Jewish and Islamist extremism.

What The Hell Was That?

Paul Joseph Watson

The Future Of Food Is OURS To Decide

"The attack on food and farmers. The future of humanity hands in the balance!"

Corbett: Using our knowledge of the Future of Food agenda, today James explores ways that we can negate that agenda and work toward building up the food and farming systems we will need to build resistant, thriving, independent communities in the future.

23rd Anniversary Rabbi's September 11, 2001 Insurance Job

'Does Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu own the Kremlin like he owns Washington, London, Paris & Berlin?'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Time passes. An entire generation has grown up since that day when a few Saudi Arabians armed only with box cutters caused airport safety to fail four times on the same morning, caused the entire US/NATO/Mossad security system to fail, caused the WTC towers constructed to withstand airliner collisions to collapse into dust by flying hijacked airliners into them, and attack the Pentagon using maneuvers of which airliners and pilots are incapable and destroying the section of the Pentagon where the documents were that explained where the Pentagon’s missing billions or was it trillions of dollars had gone. During these hours of activity the US Air Force was unable to get interceptors off the ground, and no evidence has ever been found of the passengers on the four hijacked airliners. But an undamaged passport of one of the alleged hijackers were found in the ruins of two hundred-storied skyscrapers. And Americans fell for this totally unbelievable story. What hope is there for Americans?

It took a year of pressure on the Bush/Cheney regime to get a commission established that instead of an investigation wrote down the official narrative as dictated to them. Later the commission co-chairmen and legal counsel wrote books saying that the government withheld information and set the commission up to fail.

Comedian Roasts Democracy

Sammy Obeid: Just summing up this summer with sum jokes. Now getting ready for the Fall (of civilization).

Mass Immigration Can Be A Good Thing + Kamala Harris Supports Taxpayer Funded Trans Surgery Illegal Immigrants

Julie Borowski

Europe: The Prison Of Peoples - How Europe Looks To An Italian Journalist

'Greece the home of Pericles and Socrates, the cradle of philosophy that gave so much to humanity in the past, today seems to belong more to an oblivion under narcosis than to the consortium of living nations.'
By Costantino Ceoldo:
The detention of Pavel Durov in France should open the eyes of those who still believe in the fairytale of a loving Europe, a family of peoples walking together on the path of peace and prosperity.

It should, but it won't, because Durov's political kidnapping is only the latest in a series of criminal acts that Europe's “garden of the world” (sic) has perpetrated against its own peoples and against the peoples of other unfortunate nations.

Indeed, think of Europe's continued participation in the colonial wars that the Israel-US Axis has fought to redesign the Middle East and the Arab world in an effort to transform ordered state structures into a chaotic amalgam prey to sectarianism and internecine wars. Or let us think of the scientific destruction of Tito's Yugoslavia, mini-federal Europe and an eyesore in the larger Europe of banks; of the ensuing season of Balkan wars and the armed intervention against Milosevich's Serbia that ended with the death of the Serbian leader himself in prison in The Hague. Let us also think of the very long years of economic torture that Greece has endured, with the complicity of local quislings, in a vain attempt to repay a usurers‘ foreign debt for the sole purpose of saving that noose around the peoples’ neck called the ‘euro’: Greece still exists on paper, occasionally making its voice heard but without anyone really paying attention, and so the home of Pericles and Socrates, the cradle of philosophy that gave so much to humanity in the past, today seems to belong more to an oblivion under narcosis than to the consortium of living nations. Finally, let us not forget the management of Covid that the European Union has imposed on its peoples by increasing the victims of the epidemic instead of decreasing them and squandering a centuries-old capital of legal civilization, the insistence on the stupidity of climate change and the excess of the world population, themes that are so dear to the Malthusian Darwinists of the Fabian Society which, surprise?, has as its symbol a wolf disguised as a lamb.