18 Jun 2024

Everything We Learned About World War 2 Is A Lie

The Israel Death Forces IDF knew of Hamas' plans before their October 7 hostages for exchange grab. The Jews' own leaders let it happen and then even had their own people butchered 'The Hannibal Directive' on purpose in order to put the blame on Hamas to excuse and grant their evil wish to wipe out every last indigenous Christian and Muslim child in white neo-Jew occupied Palestine aka Israel.

Candace Owens: I go over the lies and propaganda of WW2, the neocons want another world war, Joe Mazzulla's Christian faith continues to inspire after the Celtics win the NBA Championship, and according to the Jerusalem Post, IDF knew of Hamas' plans before the October 7 attack.

“It Was NEVER A Vaccine!” Court Drops BOMBSHELL Covid mRNA Ruling

Russell Brand

These NARCISSISTIC Influencers Need To Be STOPPED

Redacted: This is a hot new trend for narcissists. Young girls film themselves being ogled by men and then ask for your sympathy on TikTok. It is especially bad at the gym but it went wrong for one girl when the Internet called her out for NOT being a victim and potentially victimizing an innocent elderly man.

Regenerative Agriculture – #SolutionsWatch

Corbett: We all know the problem of The Future of Food. So, who’s ready for the solution? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James examines regenerative agriculture, one of the solutions that is already being used to wean us off the industrialized factory farming system and back toward a healthy relationship with our food . . . and with the earth itself.

Israel Lobby’s Control Over US & Britain Grows Ever Stronger

Americas and Britains Jews Are Driving Americas and Britains Wars.

...Everything about Israel is fake.”

By Philip Giraldi: Back in September 2017 I wrote an article for the Unz Review site entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars” with the subtitle “Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?”

The article focused on the fact that most of the individuals and groups in the US that were agitating for war with Iran in particular were Jewish and most did not hide their loyalty to Israel, headed then as now by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

I argued that it was a mistake to have Jews managing America’s relationships in the Middle East in particular as some of them certainly would experience a conflict of interest that would inevitably not be beneficial to the United States. And, one might add, that in spite of that tie that binds with a foreign government, no pro-Israel group has ever been compelled to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 which would provide some transparency on finances and concerning direct contacts with the Israeli government or its Embassy in Washington. The end result of all that is to make it extremely easy to use money, which the Zionist billionaires have in abundance, to corrupt the US government process on behalf of an apartheid state that is no ally in reality and does not have values that fit well with what was once American democracy.

Child Deaths In VAERS - Much Higher Than Reported - 538 Children Died After Taking A COVID-19 Vaccine - Documented In VAERS, But Many Deaths Are Cleverly Hidden! 50,000 Kids!

Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate, Analyst Says
Many VAERS reports list “age unknown” for people who were injured or died following a COVID-19 vaccine. VAERS analyst Albert Benavides said a closer look at the report summaries often reveals the victim’s age — yet VAERS doesn’t update the reports to reflect this. If it did, the number of child death reports after the vaccine would be much higher.

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.: Fetal deaths and miscarriages, sudden cardiac arrest, sudden death and suicides — these are some of the causes of death listed in reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) on children who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

Yet, these reports do not count toward the total number of child deaths listed in VAERS data because the victims’ ages are officially listed as “unknown,” according to VAERS analyst Albert Benavides.

Benavides reviewed the data for his website, VAERSAware.com, and provided links to many of these “unknown age” child death reports on his site.

VAERS data as of May 31 lists 197 child deaths following COVID-19 vaccination.

However, Benavides told The Defender, “There are approximately 418 properly documented deaths in children below age 18. There are an additional approximate 120 kid deaths where the summary narrative states ‘child, infant, neonate, baby.’”

From Russia With Interest

'If anyone thinks Putin’s in it for the money, they’re still not getting it.'

By Stefan Koopman: The G7 is a forum where Europe holds a clear numerical advantage over the United States. However, the geopolitical vulnerabilities and precarious political positions of Sunak, Scholz, and Macron compelled them to toe the line of the United States. Consequently, the communique following the summit in Italy incorporated hawkish language on China, mentioning the country 29 times. The G7 said their intention was not to thwart China’s development, but will “continue to take actions to protect our businesses from unfair practices, level the playing field, and remedy ongoing harm”. Additionally, the G7 endorsed the deal proposed by President Biden three weeks ago regarding Israel, which includes a ceasefire, a hostage-prisoner exchange, and Gaza reconstruction, but did not condemn Israel for some of its recent military actions.

The Plot To Destroy Our Children

'Let’s do everything we can to bring these monstrous programs to an end!'

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.: Last week, a conversation with a waitress disturbed me a lot. She told me that she was homeschooling her sixteen-year old son, who is autistic, because she was afraid that he would be subjected to “tranny” propaganda and encouraged to “transition” to being a woman. Even worse, he might be put in touch with “doctors” who would mutilate him by injecting him with hormones and even castrating him, all without his parents’ knowledge. You might think the waitress was exaggerating—we all know that public schools are bad, but can they be that bad? If she is right, the schools would be monstrously evil. They would be downright satanic.

She is indeed right. In what follows, I’ll discuss the “tranny” movement and what they are doing to our children. It’s a tale that will upset you, but you need to know about it, so we can do everything we can to stop it.

The tranny movement contends that some people think they are really men, but trapped in a female body, or really women, trapped in a male body. We are talking about “men” and “women” as people understand these terms in ordinary language. There are a few people who are born with abnormalities that make them hard to classify, but they aren’t what the tranny movement is primarily interested in.

The trannies then take an odd step. They claim that if someone thinks intensely he is trapped in the wrong body, then he really is trapped in the wrong body. This doesn’t make sense. It actually shows that the person is more delusional than someone who just has this feeling occasionally. If someone thinks he is a cat or a dog and is obsessed by this thought, this doesn’t make him a cat or a dog. It just makes him crazy.