6 Mar 2013

NWO Shock Troops Are The Brainwashed - Anonymous + Forget the Facts, It Is The Message - Morris

Morris: Hey Morris there are so many mindless people in the world I'm sure they are the cause and not the effect of the nwo.

Our fight is against these oblivious souls who accept every bit of brainwashing and will accept every bit of brainwashing that is going to be metered out to them. They will be taught to hunt us down and kill us and they will do it.

They are controlled by the same evil life force that controls the illuminati. Thats why in the past I called them the shock troops. I am no longer interested in trying to get their attention. They are as bad as their nwo controllers.

nwo control will require massive brainwashing to accompany the electronic (and chemical) mind control. People will be taught as they already are that the US constitution is rubbish

"federal Department of Agriculture employees being subjected to "cultural sensitivity training." Attendance was compulsory.
In the video we see some prat from a firm of "diversity trainers and consultants" lording it over a captive audience of USDA employees, who must do everything he says if they want to keep their jobs. He compels them to chant, in unison, "The Pilgrims were illegal aliens!""

that religions are evil, that patriots, constitutionalists, heterosexuals and families are evil. That Satan is good and great, and most of them will believe it. and the proof is in the fact that they don't believe us now which means they believe our enemies and will believe every bit of drivel that is metered out to them. Its a foregone conclusion. Source

Forget the Facts, It Is The Message - Morris

All our news is selected for us, according to what message they want to portray, the truth and reality are irrelevant. The great hyped up media of NYT and WSJ etc they are just propaganda arms. Source

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