12 Mar 2014


Political Movement Form Our World:  

Everyone today is talking about democracy . Requirement of the times is more democracy , both nationally and globally.But over democracy affects wealth . Those who control the world economy , and want to have more influence and democracy and so gradually try with all their might and weapons to turn the virtual democracy of today in a real, brutal , fascist dictatorship and absolute tomorrow which will govern themselves ( the international bankers and the mob ) .

Firms with higher profitability are: banking, manufacturing and trade in arms, and the invention and the drug trade , the illegal production and trafficking narkotikon export and marketing of oil and other energy sources , Multinational enterprises and food technology. These companies try to influence democracy and ultimately rule the world! Open direct democracy in our time does not exist, at least in the ancient sense. In ancient Athens gathered all the temple and expressing their opinions . Then vote for all Athenian citizens on these issues.

Of course the ancient Greek democracy had problems and flaws. Basic defect is the existence of free and slave . Self had political rights and not slaves . This is something unacceptable ! Never and in no way justify the slave existence .We elect representatives . The dealer chooses him because he has properly invoked by the media ( media, eg radio, newspapers , TV ) and advertised correctly. Because waiting patronage benefits from this . Usually the one you vote for MEP not know him personally.So do not elect the best candidate , but the best candidate and advertiser that promises the greatest benefits . Here interfere with international bankers and big corporations and big money supporting candidates they want. When later they elected the government will obey the demands of the international bankers and corporations.The choice of these shamelessly corrupt dependent politkon creates huge deficit in democracy and the functioning of the institutions over ordinary citizens .OTN ordinary citizens stand up , cease to uncritically accept what the foist , expels from inside the fear of the petty bourgeois who make concessions and obeys a special favor and decided to govern himself by his own choice then Council will make powerful to implement direct democracy and throw in the dustbin of history, international bankers and their following .We the people of supernumerary in his own movie to redo protagonist and play a central role.The vision should be the implementation of direct democracy and the bridge to succeed is solidarity in which you crossed the street alarm and militancy .The agonists awakened multiply both the system of international bankers and creak smikrainei .When no longer able to control our will then cease to be oppressors and gkremotsakistoun to Tartarus of History.YOU AND ONLY YOU simple citizen has the power of society .Out of the offer and give away to anyone for any reason and with no return.All is yours and all in you belong and should belong forever irrevocably .

Θα διώξω τα σύννεφα - You chase away the clouds - Καίτη Χωματά 


ΣΧΗΜΑΤΙΖΟΥΜΕ ΤΟ ΚΟΣΜΟ ΜΑΣ: After the national tragedy of 1974 planning the development of the site was based solely on material conditions , not combined with moral and spiritual criteria . 
In an effort to leave the place of the economic collapse of 1974 , he turned to the building society in material conditions and all other values ​​began to increasingly sidelined .As the economy gradually the site rose , both in physical bliss expressed increasingly as goodwill for the person to realize happiness .With the deification of matter hunting for material prosperity became the most exclusive and priority setting aside the moral and spiritual development.All selections were based on the fact chasing anything that will provide greater opportunity to acquires and consumes material .The matter became the passport to distinguish the individual in all aspects of personal and professional and social life.The more material acquired , became more acceptable to the wider materialistic environment .Matter made ​​him feel a little God .During this process began altered, alienated and change the mental and spiritual world .The material turned him into arrogant and snobbish in his relations with other people .With the material senses porothikan of meeting any physical desire.Asked unsaturated, arrogant and conceited .The only thing that interested him was attains as much material at any price .Stopped to make choices based on the moral and spiritual side and appreciates the moral and penymatika goods .Moral and spiritual people of the place passed into disrepute and removed the power to contribute to its development .The person giving power to people who offered him material favors without figuring if what you do is morally and spiritually correct.Worked adventurist based only on staff satisfaction and built interest of all structures of society and the state on a rotten foundation.The provision of physical bliss of the economic system of the international bankers was the trap for trapping the Cyprus and Cypriot citizen .So the international bankers , not finding any moral and spiritual resistance by the people , bought the consciences of political forces and media , and they surrendered the country.Now that the place is sinking into the abyss seeking salvation but there is nothing that remained healthy to be able to react .Salvation is in the soul and in our thinking .We need to change our proeteraiotites and to seek moral and spiritual goods .This will awaken us and will make us stronger so that we can shake off the native carcinomas and foreign yoke .We need to support our choices in morals and spirituality , to be able to clean the stables of Augeas .So the rot and dirt will be removed and will resist sound foundations .As we achieved after 1974 the economic miracle in physical terms , now we can succeed if support our strategic plan to other bases.Now we seek the economic miracle in terms of morality and spirituality .The sidelined moral and spiritual forces of yesterday must be the subversive forces of today and tomorrow forefront to achieve this economic miracle .They have a duty to come forward to join forces , to awaken the people and strive with conditions was for Tash to complete reversal of the democratic system conditions .We are people that we can achieve everything enough to realize which way we will target .THE RIVER OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AND THE TRUTH STARTED THE COURSE OF AND NOTHING CAN STOP THETHE WORLD WE HAVE THE POWER


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