2 Jan 2015

Britain’s Prince Andrew Named In US 'Sex Slave' Case

A woman has said that she was repeatedly forced to have sexual relations with that man, Britain's Prince Andrew, as an underage sex slave.”
Orwellian UK BANNED Press TV: The allegation was made after the so-called Duke of York was named in a motion filed in a Florida court this week.
The woman, who was 17 at the time, claimed that US billionaire Jeffrey Epstein loaned her to rich and powerful friends, including the prince.
She claimed she did have sexual relations with that man, Prince Andrew in London, New York and the Caribbean from 1999 through 2002.
Epstein, who is a known friend of the prince, was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution and served a prison term.

On Friday, Buckingham Palace denied the allegation in a statement.
“This relates to long-standing and ongoing civil proceedings in the United States, to which the Duke of York is not a party,” the statement said.
“As such we would not comment on the detail. However, for the avoidance of doubt, any suggestion of impropriety with underage minors is categorically untrue.”



  1. Lets see how the royal vermin protect this pedophile. So tired of these filthy pigs walking around like they are above everything - in their eyes WE are lower than them and in reality they are the most evil of beings that walk the earth.

  2. They state categorically untrue. The BS spin has begun. There are numerous pictures of the royals with known pedophiles. The BBC are criminal in the coverup - they do not report it. So utterly sad that this has been allowed - look the other way because these people pay off everyone.

    1. I have to agree in general with your statements. Having interviewed lawyers that are trying to uncover institutionalised UK pedophilia, I am aware that it is a despicable business protected it seems by the devil herself. It is plausibly even the way in which politicians are controlled. The very fact that an update is so overdue, that the Royals still exist as an UK institution speaks volumes, the same goes for the shill British Brainwashing Corporation with it's shameful cultural Marxism and propaganda. I quit the UK lame stream in general completely since the bankster bail out. It saddens me that so many still tune in to that pacifier, but then again I too was drawn in whist attempting to advance the cause of father's rights. I have actually been down that rabbit hole and found UK politics is bought and paid for by the highest bidders. I know first hand that the UK is a bankocracy.
