13 Apr 2015

Social Justice Warriors And The Zionist Ghost Caricature Of Hitler

All men are Hitler. ...The Zionist caricature of Hitler is alive and well. It's on the internet, ready to pop out at any moment and destroy the world. Or not. Feminism LOL

Screaming goat clip:

Godwin's Law clip

Spiked-online article by John Holbrook:
Human Rights: A Straitjacket on Liberty

Liberty Law Site article by David C. Rose:
Social Justice Theory: A Solution in Search of a Problem

My previous video about Human Rights vs Men's Rights

By the way Hitler was actually super cool:

WD: Especially since the 2014 summer Israeli butchery, over 2000 and entire families bombed out of existance including over 500 little children, I become enraged whenever the Zionist caricature of Hitler is used as exemplar. I hope some will educate themselves about the extraordinary national socalist Adolf Hitler using the resource at the following link: http://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/

A great MGTOW/MHRA mind might come to the conclusion as I have that (firebombing of Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki) We were the bad guys. Neither the 18 millions of Russians whose leader was colluding with the Zionists Elites or the British etc. who got involved unnecessarily to maintain their empires, none of those had to die. Please rethink this false Zio-Nazi version of a Hitler caricature, good good people of the movement.

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