29 May 2015

Why I No Longer Hold The Door Open For Pretty Girls

Red Pill Philosophy: It's sad but true...

WD: The next level is to understand that women worth your time want sex just as much as you do. You can dangle sex (if that's the way you wish to se it) just as successfully as any woman if you are on the right wavelength. 

We alpha males really don't have to be mean to keep them keen; we just have to have a certain level of understanding (that women are not very different to us) along with standards. 

Of course there are women who actually like being treated badly but IMO they are damaged. People invariably find confidence attractive and that is not the same as nastiness.   

The moment you take physically attractive women off the pedestal and begin to expect equality from everyone, you are moving in the right direction. Dump the tradition of paying and buying presents and don’t take disrespect lightly, after that it’s a numbers game and the only problem will be if you want to have children, because the state is a white knight mangina with a massive fuck off gun and at that point your level of Zen will count for nothing, …Until the revolution. ;-)

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