3 Jun 2015

Venezuelan Lame-Stream Media Suggests “UN Measures” To Protect LGBTI Community

TeleSUR, the popular establishment media outlet of Venezuela, suggests that UN measures should be implemented around the world to protect the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people.
While their article is basically about the murder of the 29-year-old Salvadoran trans women Francela Mendez and two UN reports on LGBT rights, TeleSUR – who profiles itself as a multimedia platform that is reporting the truth internationally – conveniently omits two crucial facts in their article that would certainly put this debate in a more accurate perspective.
First, to refer to the United Nations and its LGBT recommendations as being the most appropriate solutions to address the rights of LGBTI people is like saying we should put a pedophile in charge of investigating pedophile rings that exist in politics and churches. It is a sickening thought but that’s pretty much what this comes down to.

The UN is entangled in literally several dozens if not hundreds of sexual child abuse cases in the last three decades alone and has deliberately been covering up and stalling any investigations into these crimes against humanity. To call upon the world, as TeleSUR does, to embrace the United Nations as the good shepherd who’ll lead us all to better days is nothing more than willful perversion of the minds and it disgusts me enormously.
Sure, it should not be insinuated that LGBTI stands for pedophilia but I’m sure you see the hypocrisy when on one hand we are asked to adore the UN all the while on the other hand they can’t be trusted with kids. So to ask for UN intervention in this LGBTI debate is complete lunacy. Because who on Earth would want a genocidal and pedophile organization as their human rights advocate? Don’t LGBT folks see they’re being set up and used as jolly assets?
Second, it is no secret that there’s an active agenda being played out that seeks the extensive feminization of men around the world. This is easily observed in every-day life and it reaches extreme levels. It is literally programmed into entertainment, fashion, education and political correctness. Terms like metrosexual and spornosexual are now used to describe men of today and the future. Men who are wanting to be wanted for their girly features and photoshopped bodies, not for their bright minds and courage to expose and fight corruption and high level deceptions. Not for their willingness to manhandle the latest trending sissy puppet politicians.
Men (and women) who dare to bring to light major scams that involve heads of governments, religious and sectarian communities and entire media blocks are increasingly perceived as weirdos who are detached from Hollywood’s “reality.” They are ridiculed and categorized as potential lone wolfs who may pose threats to a society that needs to bring about a prosperous future in a new world.
It is these men (and women) who need more protection. It is these men (and women) whose rights are violated as they get censored and silenced to death for exposing false mainstream and alternative heroes.
In fact, it is these men (and women) who are the best potential rights advocates one can get, including the gays and lesbians. It is the hardcore information rebel that fights for freedom of expression and freedom to self-determination, not the UN.


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