2 Dec 2015

Fertile Muslims Vs Sterile Cafeteria Christians (Biology & Reality Vs Culture)

"Simply, when you talk about, these people don't even have jobs and the laziest and the losers, they're the ones having kids. Well, you're so busy getting your PhD in what? Er, you know cultural anthropology, we're going to go out and study and find out about cultures, because we're such an advanced culture. OK, but you have no foundation, your men don't like your women, your women don't like your men,
...there's no mutual respect, there's no self respect. Birth rates are down, remember? He's running off he's going to do his little thing, she's not ready to have kids yet, no, no maybe in her forties she'll have kids, because that's what good respectable people do. ...Sterilise yourself, kill your kids [thumbs up] your advanced! To the victor go the spoils or blessed are the meek or the non kid killing, for they shall inherit the earth. ..The dying delusional self righteous cafeteria Christians, ..not sustainable. You saying they're better? Biology is saying they're better." Russell Lindquist

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