10 Aug 2020

Apocalyptic Disaster Zone: The Jews' Attack Beirut Gentiles

Marwa Osman on MidEastream
Vanessa Beeley: My initial comment on this tragedy: I have been fairly quiet over the tragedy which has devastated neighbouring Beirut-Lebanon. Friends have been profoundly affected and psychologically wounded by this unbelievable apocalyptic event that happened so fast and tore through lives with an unprecedented fury. An explosion one quarter the force of Hiroshima. I strongly refute the "Hzboll*h" ammunition store theory which has been circulated by some analysts.
The port is almost entirely under control of Saad Hariri's Future Party. Hzboll*h have no access to the port. As Marwa Osman told me today "can you imagine the US allowing a ship full of weapons to dock in Beirut harbour, they would destroy it way before it reached this destination". Bottom line, Hzboll*h does not operate in the area of the blast, it does not store weapons in this area. Sharing or supporting this theory plays into the hands of the globalists by giving Israel its usual excuse of "self defence" and increasing the sectarian divides in Lebanon, turning public opinion against Hzboll*h. I will be interviewing Marwa after the Sayed Nasrallah's speech later today. All the videos circulating of supposed Israeli missiles are suspect. I, personally, do not believe that the Zionist entity would be so obvious as to use missiles when a simple intelligence operation would suffice to ignite the huge store of ammounium nitrate in the port. I do believe that Israel is behind the attack. Israeli leadership chatter before and after the event corroborate that belief. That is my gut feeling. There is no hard evidence to support this theory YET. I caution everyone against jumping to wild conclusions or sharing sensationalist theories like "tactical nukes" - to my knowledge there has been no sign of radiation poisoning among the victims and this kind of scaremongering is not useful or beneficial for the victims of the attack who are already dealing with extreme trauma, PTSD and residual terror. Please don't add to it during this very critical stage of recovery and investigation. Chris Busby is a respected and experienced scientist, specialising in the health effects of "internal ionising radiation". Busby has investigated numerous radiation scenarios including Falujah in Iraq and the suspected nuclear bomb in Yemen 2016 (I worked with him on that investigation which could not be concluded because of conditions inside Yemen). Please follow his page for sensible evaluation and analysis of the Beirut attack. Chris recently responded to information sent to him: "I was sent the following evidence of radiation from the Beirut explosion. There are also pictures of a missile. But who knows? Certainly if it involved a nuclear explosion the debris will be radioactive so we wont have to wait long to find out. Something detonated the ammonium nitrate, that's for sure. But a simple explosive would have done that." His evaluation of the explosion and the yellow clouds I photographed in western Damascus countryside shortly after the explosion: "The pictures show a red brown gas. That is Nitrogen dioxide, and other NOx gases. That is what happens when you heat ammonium nitrate. It is toxic and it nitrates anything it get at, including your lungs.That was the fingerprint for this explosion. After all, 2.7 kliotons is about 1/4 of the Hiroshima bomb, and the explosive power is roughly comparable to TNT. " "From the colour of the explosion plume I am guessing the Beirut explosion was Ammonium Nitrate. Not a nuke, no fireball. Probably Ammonium Nitrate fertiliser. That can do that sort of thing, also there were red fumes, nitrate fumes, in the cloud. Hard to see what else would make such a big bang." I do urge everyone to look up the Texas City disaster 1947 which was a very similar event. What I am trying to say is that I have no interest in "anonymous intel sources" - I am only interested in hard fact and genuine scientific analysis and opinion from people I trust, like Marwa Osman. I will speculate on one point based upon what I have been told. I believe that Macron was despatched to ensure that the Lebanese government denies any foul play or Israeli intervention in the explosion. That is why Nasrallah's speech is so critical. People in Beirut are paying a dreadful price, politically and from a multitude of perspectives. Please let us try to support them in every way we can but without resorting to hyperbole and sensationalist claims before any official investigation. Thank you for your time.

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