Some dumb Jews actually think that Jesus was Jewish, but of course the fact that Mary was a virgin and the deed was done by Angels and neither she nor Joseph had anything more than Hercules' parents had to do with producing Hercules make's it clear that he was simply a god on earth. Apparently a god had the bright idea of manifesting himself as a human in the world's most rotten place, with towns like Sodom and Gomorrah and among the world's most rotten people who inhabited it.
Of course the majority of so-called Jews today aren't Hebrews, they're an Eastern European tribe of mercs who's King arbitrarily decided to choose a religion for them one day a few hundred years ago, the Ashkenazim. Let's face it people from the Levant region are not pale skinned and blue eyed, neither were the desert dwelling Hebrews of old.
Thankfully multitudes around the world did understand what Dionysus was on about, even though through the ages they have taken some dubious paths. Long live the great idea in all its forms Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Hinduism, etc. that is ‘a brotherhood of man’ and ‘chosen-ness’ that very opposite of a brotherhood of man and that evil supremacist concept's followers be damned.
Good, god [a wholesome brotherhood of man] and evil, devils [the immoral chosen-ness cult Judaism] do exist on earth. I choose good.
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