17 May 2024

AGENDA 2030: "We ALREADY Are At War With Russia" U.K. Admits As Germany Ramps Up Conscription +

"Young people of Europe, is this your future, dying, or escaping a country that wants to throw you into a war you do not buy?

Redacted: Leaked reports show that Germany is considering gender-neutralconscription, which means everyone could be drafted to military service. It stands to reason since Germany now allows parents to change their childs gender at birth so if you abolish biological sex, you can’t draft based on biological sex now can you? This follows calls for war from France, the UK and other NATO countries governments since NATO knows that it would need 90,000 troops to go up against Russia. Which no one wants!



Pro-Ukrainian tries to ASSASSINATE Slovakia's anti-war Prime Minister

Redacted: You'll recall last week on the show... we were praising Slovakia for standing up against the tyranny of the WHO... rejecting the pandemic treaty... well If you are a pre peace leader who stands up against the tyranny of the WEF and the WHO... you will be shot... assassinated. That's exactly what just happened today to Robert Fico the prime minister of Slovakia.

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