28 Jun 2024

Hot News: Reform’s “Racist” Activist EXPOSED As Paid Actor

THE UNIPARTY [Labour, Conservative & Lib/Dem] and the bankers that fund it to ensure their will and not the will of the British people be done, are clearly shitting themselves.

THE UNIPARTY's propaganda apparatus, the lame stream media, naturally played their part in this attempted conning of the British people.

Ask yourself, will labour stop sending our hard earned tax money to the Jew "Ukraine = Big Israel" Zelensky and will they reverse what the conservatives have done to push us towards nuclear war with Russia, or will labour stop funding the Jews' apartheid regime that is guilty of the wholesale slaughter of Christian children and babies and genocide against the indigenous Christian and Muslim people of Palestine?

Will Labour stop importing foreigners whilst not giving a damn about our crumbling infrastructure and instead help British people begging for scraps outside all our shops in cities across the UK, will they finally start to care about the strain that all people are suffering due to the inflation caused by government mismanagement of our economy?

That is why UK politics is a con, that is why we call the red, blue and yellow teams THE UNIPARTY. At this point only the completely brain-rinsed, or mentally retarded would think that voting for one rather than another of that trio in the pocket of the bankers would result in a different outcome.

The sacred duty of a leader is to serve their people, which leader from the red team, or the blue team who have been in power for the last three decades has actually done that? The fact is that it is plain to see that UK politics has been captured by foreign elites with interests that do not align with the interests of the British people.

These foreign elites who own and direct our governments are fast turning Britain into the proverbial tower of Babel and using us to fund and die in foreign wars to fill their own pockets while the British people suffer the repercussions and consequences of their avarice.

This kind of blatant con to discredit an alternative party that has not yet been captured by the bankers says much about the scum that is THE UNIPARTY. Don't think for one moment that the banksters are not actively trying to buy Farage's soul as you read this.

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