9 Jul 2024

"Israel KILLED Most Of The Jews On Oct. 7th, NOT HAMAS" + BRICS Just Scored A KNOCKOUT Blow To The US Dollar

"The automobiles that were destroyed were not destroyed by Hamas, those were destroyed by the Israel airforce. In one report by a Jewish survivor, there were 14 Jewish hostages in a house and the Jewish commander fired on that house and killed 13 of the 14 including babies. Israel was very quick to say that Hamas were raping women, beheading children, baking children in the ovens, just like those World War 2 holohoax memes they were complete lies, complete fabrications.

Whether the west wants to accept reality or not, Hamas conducted a professional military raid, very effective at attacking and killing Jewish soldiers and going after Jewish reservists and also tried to grab as many civilians and military personnel as they could to have bargaining leverage, because Israel's been grabbing people off the street and locking them up as well, with no trial, with no charges, nothing."

Redacted: For months the official Israel line has been that al those Jewish civilians that died on October 7th were at the hands of Hamas... well now we know that was a lie. Ex-CIA agent Larry Johnson confirms a new Haaretz report exposing how IDF forces targeted and killed most of the Jewish civilians killed on October 7th.





BRICS Just Scored A KNOCKOUT Blow To The US Dollar

Redacted: More bad news for the U.S. dollar as Russia lays out plans for an independent BRICS financial system. This means that more of the world's business will just skip the U.S. because we have sanctioned our way out of the game. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!

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