22 Jul 2024

Land Thieving Jews Attack Foreign Volunteers In Jews' West Bank Mega Concentration Camp For Indigenous Gentiles

Middle East Eye: Foreign volunteers of the International Solidarity Movement were being treated in Nablus' Rafidia hospital after being wounded from an attack by the notorious Metzitzah B'peh Boys* a group of evil colonialist Jews, soft name 'the settlers' in the Jews' West Bank maga concentration camp for indigenous Christians & Muslims on Sunday, days after the International Court of Justice ruled the Jews' occupationunlawful”.


Metzitzah B'peh* -It's a Jewish religious practice to hire a local Jewish paedophile aka 'a mohel' when Jewish boys are 8 days old and then pay this paedophile to strap their little baby boy to a table, or have others hold him down, while the paedo rips off over 60% of the highest concentrations of pleasure censors from the Jewish baby boy's penis with his teeth and then sucks off the baby boys now bloody mutilated penis. The Jews call this religious ritual Metzitzah B'peh, [mutilation blowjob] soft name 'circumcision' and all Jewish men have been subjected to it in one form or another.

Doctors are well aware that this barbaric practice has killed many baby boys, some who have caught sexually transmitted diseases after being sucked off by the whoring paedophiles hired by their Jewish families.

The medical establishment is well aware that this barbaric practice quadruples the instances of impotence and increases the chances of autism and other violent mental disorders by well over 100%.

While the little baby boys shake with the pain and shock of the amputation from and mutilation of their penis, whether ritual, or medical, Jewish families at their baby boy's moment of agony celebrate and have a party!

Metzitzah B'peh is allowed in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and the EU! Imagine that!

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