11 Aug 2024

New Covid Study Changes EVERYTHING We've Been Told + NATO Will Now Enforce LOCKDOWNS & VACCINE Mandates?

Redacted: A new study shows something that we already knew: that Covid deaths were over-reported during the pandemic and that the Covid vaccine did not have any apparent benefit in slowing or stopping the pandemic. The authors studied 125 countries and their vaccination programs and and found "no systematic or statistically significant trends showing that vaccination campaigns in 2020 and 2021 reduced all-cause mortality."






Hang On! NATO Will Now Enforce LOCKDOWNS And VACCINE Mandates?

Dr. Peter Hotez, U.N. spokesperson and despotic mad scientist wants us gene therapy injected to alter our DNA at gun point!

Redacted: Will NATO have to bring in soldiers to enforce lockdowns and vaccine mandates? That is what Dr. Peter Hotez, U.N. spokesperson and dystopic mad scientist, suggested recently. He said he is working with the World Health Organization on this idea. Does this mean we'll be administered vaccines at gunpoint or what?

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