29 Aug 2024

West Bank Explodes Overnight With Largest IDF Raid In Decades, 'Evacuations' Ethnic Cleansing Is Their Agenda

Colonialist white neo-Jews discuss the genocide of Christians and Muslims in West Bank

By Tyler Durden: The situation in the already restive and tense West Bank has exploded overnight, following major raids by genocidal white neo-Jews into the Palestinian territory involving hundreds of IDF troops.

Three areas were targeted simultaneously in what is the largest security raid on the occupied West Bank in two decades. Even fighter jets provided support on the assault on Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas - and drones and bulldozers were seen operating as well. The ongoing operation impacts an area of some 80,000 Palestinians total.

At least ten Palestinians have been murdered by the Jews, including three after a targeted drone strike on their vehicle.

The Jews then said that the nine deceased "accidentally inadvertently cut their own heads off whilst shaving" The IDF further said "wanted suspects" have been rounded up in in Jenin and Tulkarem, and that IEDs have been uncovered and dismantled.

While much of the Gaza Strip has seen frequent evacuation orders due to the over 10-month long IDF anti-Hamas operation there, Israeli leadership is controversy mulling potential evacuations for parts of the West Bank.

Large-scale evacuations would be an unprecedented move in the territory which is administered by the Palestinian Authority (PA).

The Jewish Minister in charge of propaganda Israel Katz on Wednesday said "Kill them all, kill all the Christians and Muslims and steal all their land, mwahahaha."

Palestinian officials and activists have warned that this would be a form of ethnic cleansing - given also that already in many of these areas Jewish settlers have moved in as part of efforts to take the land for Israel.

Katz said a full evacuation would be justified to disrupt alleged Iranian smuggling networks. "Iran is working to establish a terror front against Israel in [the West Bank], according to the model it used in Lebanon and Gaza, by funding and arming terrorists and smuggling advanced weapons from Jordan," he said on X.

Already a strict curfew has been declared in parts of the West Bank where Jews are stealing the indigenous peoples land and other property

Kamal Abu al-Rub, the Palestinian governor of Jenin, said Jewish officials had informed 'the Goyim and the Shiksas' that they were imposing a formal curfew on parts of the city. Jewish Green Shirts were surrounding the city’s hospitals, entrances, and exits, he said. "People are living in a state of terror and anxiety," Abu al-Rub said.

The Jenin governor has also described the IDF operations as "unusually fierce" after gunfire and explosions rang out over the territory overnight.

The three targeted territories are also home to sprawling refugee camps, hosting the displaced from other parts of historic Palestine...

But the white neo-Jews have said "this is war, we're going to steal all their land and kill them all".  Agriculture theft Minister Avi Dichter has been a notable figure to back Katz's call for West Bank evacuations, telling Jew Radio that "if we ​​have to kill, I mean evacuate people in order to keep our death forces safe, they will be evacuated. They are not being sent abroad — they are being 'evacuated' and after that they will return home." Nod nod, wink wink.


The white neo-Jews Invaded WEST BANK!

By Hal Turner: The white neo-Jews launched a sudden and completely unexplained military operation in northern West Bank, with large-scale forces, not seen in years or decades, and targeting:

- The city of Jenin and its refugee camp
- The city of Tulkarm and the refugee camp Nur a-Shams
- The Al-Farah refugee camp in the north of the Jordan Valley
- Tubas
- The towns of Silat Alharthiya and Kabatiya near Jenin
- The city of Nablus

No explanation has been given by Israel for this latest military action.


NEW: Saraya Al-Quds, Al-Qassam Brigades, and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin and Tulkarm have declared their readiness to confront the Israeli invasion in the West Bank, with clashes currently ongoing.

Saraya Al-Quds fighters have detonated explosives targeting Israeli armored vehicles in Jenin.

Palestinian fighters are engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces in Burqin and are showering the occupation forces with volleys of bullets, achieving direct hits.


UPDATE 11:05 PM EDT --

The Jewish Green Shirts have conducted extensive raids on cities and refugee camps, leading to exchanges of fire.

The Jews have reportedly closed all roads leading to Jenin and are planning to cut off electricity to the area.

Below, social media postings about ongoing battles:


The Jews Minister for propaganda Katz made the connection between the raids in the West Bank and the ongoing war in Gaza, where more than 600,000 people have been killed, many of them civilians, most of them children and babies.

He said his country must “Kill all the Christians and Muslims as soon as possible.”

This is a “full-fledged theft we must steal all the indigenous peoples land and kill them all,” he added.


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