10 Aug 2024

Zionist Piers Morgan v 'Top G' Andrew Tate On British Riots

"Gotcha!" Andrew Tate gets Piers Morgan to admit that zionist plants are insighting the riots!

Incited by zionist plants, Britain has been gripped in the throes of mass unrest; aslo due to, among other things, uncontrolled mass migration, the murders of three young girls and the stabbing of several others at a Taylor Swift-themed dance in Southport, Merseyside by the son of migrants and the government's ongoing support of the Jews' genocide of and land theft from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine and PM Starmer's dismissal of the white British people's fears.

Piers says that in a matter of hours, disinformation about the suspect began to spread around social media, claiming the 17-year-old assailant was an illegal Muslim migrant; which turned out to be untrue and and then lied as usual saying that Andrew Tate in particular made these claims on his X account and that MP Nigel Farage to push out these falsehoods as well.

Piers Morgan speculates that as a result, both mosques and Muslims themselves have been attacked, while conveniently omitting the fact that gangs of non-whites have been roving Britain attacking whites and their properties and that most importantly all this has been incited by a pro zionist media and zionist plants and the ultra zionist PM Starmer's own dismissal of the people's fears by tossing them aside as all being 'far right' thugs.

The Ultra Zionist Piers Morgan who himself has spread much disinformation regarding the genocidal Jews occupying Palestine brings Andrew Tate onto his pro zionist propaganda show 'Uncensored' to as Piers claims, take him to task over his part in the amplification of falsehoods.

Andrew Tate furiously defends himself. A war of words ensues - Tate does call for an end to the rioting and violence - Piers however does not call for the end of the evil genocidal Jews' ultra racist apartheid regime Israel, or the end of illegal and uncontrolled mass migration, points that are frankly also the cause for the large scale unrest in Britain today.

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